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Twitter Thread University - Neurology




Explaining Complex Topics: Lessons from Dr. Martin Samuels

Clinician-teachers often struggle to explain complex topics to people outside their field. Dr. Martin Samuels was a master at this. Smart, funny, and practical, he could convey the essence of common neurologic problems in ways that were always compelling.

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Paul Sax

Harvard/Brigham Infectious Diseases doctor, writer, @CIDJournal editor, educator. Prefer baseball to football, pizza to sushi, dogs to cats, Beatles to Stones.

The Effects of Mouth Breathing on the Brain

If you breathe through your mouth, read this: Mouth breathing has been shown to cause: ADHD, Asthma, Sleep disorders, Chronic fatigue, Allergic reactions, Facial disfiguration, Decreased brain activity. Researchers at the University of Korea found did a study on mouth breathing and found that people who breathed through their mouths had decreased function in their brains.

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Dan Go

High Performance Coach To Entrepreneurs | Helping 1 million transform their lives by 2027. Tweets on health optimization. Sign up for free strategy call 👇🏼

Exploring the Molecular Pathogenesis of Neurodegenerative Diseases

Neurodegenerative diseases are commonly adult-onset conditions characterized by degeneration of specific neuronal populations. Aberrant messenger RNA (mRNA) translation is implicated in a range of neurodegenerative diseases, including Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease and others. This article explores the molecular pathogenesis of these diseases and the lack of effective treatments.

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The New England Journal of Medicine ( is the world’s leading medical journal and website.

Novel Projection from VTA Dopamine Neurons to Lateral Hypothalamus Implicated in Addiction

A novel projection from VTA dopamine neurons to lateral hypothalamus has been revealed to have a function. This circuit has been implicated in addiction. It has been previously shown that lateral hypothalamus is important for learning over and above its canonical role in feeding. The current paper reveals that learning occurring in lateral hypothalamus is important.

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Dr. Melissa Sharpe

Neuroscience, Prefrontal Cortex, Dopamine, Lateral Hypothalamus, Associative Learning, Wine. Assistant Professor, UCLA. 🇦🇺 in 🇺🇸 (She/Her).