The Effects of Mouth Breathing on the Brain
If you breathe through your mouth, read this: Mouth breathing has been shown to cause: ADHD, Asthma, Sleep disorders, Chronic fatigue, Allergic reactions, Facial disfiguration, Decreased brain activity. Researchers at the University of Korea found did a study on mouth breathing and found that people who breathed through their mouths had decreased function in their brains.

Dan Go
High Performance Coach To Entrepreneurs | Helping 1 million transform their lives by 2027. Tweets on health optimization. Sign up for free strategy call 馃憞馃徏

If you breathe through your mouth, read this:
— Dan Go (@FitFounder) April 18, 2023 -
Mouth breathing has been shown to cause:
— Dan Go (@FitFounder) April 18, 2023
路 Asthma
路 Sleep disorders
路 Chronic fatigue
路 Allergic reactions
路 Facial disfiguration
路 Decreased brain activity
What most people don't know is how breathing through the mouth affects the brain. -
Researchers at the University of Korea found did a study on mouth breathing.
— Dan Go (@FitFounder) April 18, 2023
They found that people who breathed through their mouths had decreased function in their brains.
It's been shown that around 50-60% of people are mouth breathers. -
Why is mouth breathing bad?
— Dan Go (@FitFounder) April 18, 2023
Breathing through your mouth you put us in a sympathetic state of "fight or flight".
It can also lead to bacteria in the mouth, shallow chest breathing & disrupted sleep.
For most people, mouth breathing is a hidden handicap. Let's fix that. -
The mouth was meant for eating & talking. The nose was meant for breathing.
— Dan Go (@FitFounder) April 18, 2023
Breathing through your nose is optimal for your health, decreases stress & improves your physical performance.
It was built for one purpose: To support your respiratory system. -
Benefits of Nasal breathing
— Dan Go (@FitFounder) April 18, 2023
路 Filters allergens
路 Improves your sleep
路 Slows down breathing
路 Improves lung capacity
路 Aids your immune system
路 Increases oxygen uptake
路 Lowers your risk of snoring & sleep apnea
路 Increased moisture & warmer air for lungs -
Nasal breathing also stimulates the production of nitric oxide.
— Dan Go (@FitFounder) April 18, 2023
Nitric oxide (NO) is a molecule that plays role in delivering oxygen into cells.
NO can influence mood, weight, the immune system & sexual function.
Nasal breathing alone can boost nitric oxide by up to 6x. -
A study tested 10 runners using nasal breathing.
— Dan Go (@FitFounder) April 18, 2023
They found that their respiratory rate, breaths per minute & ratio of oxygen intake to carbon dioxide output lowered during nasal breathing.
It allowed for more oxygen to get in the bloodstream.
Source: -
2 ways to start breathing through the nose
— Dan Go (@FitFounder) April 18, 2023
Method #1 - Start with awareness.
Anytime you find yourself breathing through your mouth bring yourself back to nose breathing.
Set alarms for as a reminder to nasal breathe throughout the day. -
Method #2 - Tape the mouth
— Dan Go (@FitFounder) April 18, 2023
Taping your mouth during the day when you're at your desk doing work or exercise.
Mouth tape forces us to start breathing through the nose & the safest time to do this is to do it when you're awake.
I recommend hostage tape or 3M micropore tape. -
If you have small obstructions that prevent you from breathing through your nose I would also recommend using Breatheright nasal strips.
— Dan Go (@FitFounder) April 18, 2023
Lack of nose breathing can reduce the size of your nostrils making it harder to breathe.
This helps open them up to allow for more air. -
If you have larger disruptions like a deviated septum then you'll need to see a qualified professional to get that fixed.
— Dan Go (@FitFounder) April 18, 2023
If you're not sure if you have one or not then go see a nose specialist to find out. -
One thing I'll add is that I'm not perfect at this at all.
— Dan Go (@FitFounder) April 18, 2023
I was a mouth breather from the age of 5 until I learned about this at 41.
At times, I find myself breathing from my mouth & that's okay.
I'm willing to work on this for as long as it takes.
Changes take time. -
The simplest way to improve the quality of your health is to start breathing through your nose. It costs nothing and the reward is high.
— Dan Go (@FitFounder) April 18, 2023
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1. Follow me @FitFounder for more of these
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— Dan Go (@FitFounder) April 18, 2023
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