The Good Life: 7 Years of Detoxing Modern Society
The past 7 years of my life have been a detox of modern society, deconstructing all my limiting beliefs, learning what it means to live a good life, and figuring out how to be happy and healthy in the world's most toxic society.

Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙
Health & vitality. Steak. Organs. Fruit. Insta: carnivoreaurelius I create beef liver crisps so good that even a vegan would love it. Not medical advice.
the past 7 years of my life have been a detox of modern society, deconstructing all my limiting beliefs, learning what it means to live a good life, figuring out how to be happy and healthy in the world's most toxic society...
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) June 9, 2023
here are some things i've learned: -
1. everything popular is wrong. you need to be comfortable looking weird, swimming against the tide if you want to be happy and healthy today
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) June 9, 2023
2. stop trying to be the best. be the only. go all in on what makes you weird and unique -
3. use your free time to build the life you want, not escape the life you have. i was working a job i despised, but instead of drinking every night, i'd come home and read books, teach myself to code, learn to market, apply for new jobs.
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) June 9, 2023 -
4. energy is everything. you cannot make creative, life changing decisions if you're sick. improve your health and everything else will start to fall into place
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) June 9, 2023 -
5. change your mornings to change your life. your morning sets the tone for your day....if you do the exact same thing every morning, you're more likely to have the exact same day. wake up earlier. start your day in silence with a book. don't use your phone. try something new.
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) June 9, 2023 -
6. most of your "friends" aren't really friends. they're drinking buddies and groups you fell into out of convenience. they don't want you to be your best, they want you to be like them. you need to stop listening to these people if you want to break free.
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) June 9, 2023 -
7. get a mentor, a therapist, or a close confidant who truly wants what is best for you and you can bounce all your ideas off of. nothing will change your life more than this loving guidance
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) June 9, 2023 -
8. rather than trying to change every little thing around you, change your inner world and the outer world will follow
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) June 9, 2023
9. move somewhere new. if you are really stuck in life, getting out of your existing environment forces you to confront yourself & set new goals -
10. learn to cook. it's easier, cheaper, tastier and healthier than eating out.
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) June 9, 2023
11. don't chase relationships, chase purpose, raise your T and relationships will start to chase you
12. attention is everything, don't squander it on useless apps and scrolling -
13. spending time outdoors is the most underrated health and happiness hack. the bright light improves mood, nature is incredibly calming, earth is an antixoidant, fresh air is nourishing. when in doubt, go for a walk.
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) June 9, 2023
14. get a hobby that isn't related to work or partying -
15. God is not optional. Without a higher purpose in life you will worship a false idol that will ultimately sabotage your health and happiness. Explore widely, read the sacred texts, find a religion that works for you
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) June 9, 2023 -
16. reading is truly a superpower. most people have no attention span today. the ability to read and retain information will set you apart
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) June 9, 2023
17. caring too much about my physical health is sickness -
18. get a job that allows you to make money from anywhere.
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) June 9, 2023
19. it's better to be in the arena getting critiqued than watching on the sidelines. when you put yourself out there you will fail, you will get rejected and condemned. but it's way better than never trying. -
20. every comment towards you is either an act of love or cry for help
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) June 9, 2023
21. anything that triggers you is your problem, not theirs. become interested in it and be thankful for it shows you somewhere you're stuck. -
22. f**k the diet wars. get all of your nutrients and stop poisoning yourself. that is what matters.
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) June 9, 2023
23. nasal breathe. take off your foot prisons. stop eating seed oils. filter your water. eat meat, fruit and organs. get sunlight. swim in the ocean. sleep deeply -
24. if the only reason not to do something is that you're afraid, do it.
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) June 9, 2023
25. spend lots of time in silence. it allows all your sh*t to come to the surface to be released -
26. casual sex is a massive waste of time and energy, hurts yourself and other people. you really want love, not fleeting moments of pleasure.
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) June 9, 2023
27. ever think anything is working out against you. it's a blessing, you just cant see it. -
28. orient your life towards becoming your highest, most loving, courageous, freest self instead of trying to find the most comfort and pleasure and then EVERYTHING is a gift, especially the bad sh*t
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) June 9, 2023
29. no such thing as a guy who's a 5. you can become a lot better looking -
30. act as if everything is abundant, coming to you when the time is right. there's no "one person", "one job", "one deal", "one vacation", "one party" you need
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) June 9, 2023
31. pay the farmer now or the doctor later
32. gratitude daily, especially before meals -
33. listen to your heart, as cheesy as it is. there's a greater intelligence inside of you than your thoughts. your intuition knows best.
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) June 9, 2023
34. if your gut says your job, your city or your relationship aren't for you, get out.
35. follow your interests. write about them. -
36. stop being so tight assed. have a silly goose time. love deeply. you will die one day, don't worry all your time away.
— Carnivore Aurelius ©🥩 ☀️🦙 (@AlpacaAurelius) June 9, 2023