The Complex Nature of Pain: 3 Analogies to Help You Understand
Pain is complex and difficult to understand. This blog looks at 3 analogies to help you understand the complex nature of pain and how context matters. Read on to learn more!

Bengal THE Jungle’s Physio
I fix nagging injuries | You probably had shitty rehab | Building the webs #1 injury resource

I've seen 100 patients in pain this month
— Bengal THE Jungle’s Physio (@BowTied_Bengal) April 11, 2023
I told them all the same thing:
But not in those words since thats NOT helpful
Here's 3 analogies I use to help people understand the complex nature of their pain
They'll help you too -
1️⃣ Pain is context dependent
— Bengal THE Jungle’s Physio (@BowTied_Bengal) April 11, 2023
A hug from a friend?
Same hug from a stranger in a dark alley?
SAME stimulus
DIFFERENT response
context matters
-where are we?
-doing what?
The 🧠 process all this and decides instantly what do to -
2️⃣ 🧠 is a switchboard
— Bengal THE Jungle’s Physio (@BowTied_Bengal) April 11, 2023
Ever wake up with bruises and not sure how?
You were doing something SO important your 🧠 pumped out a bunch of natural pain killers and you FELT NO PAIN
You even damaged the skin
Context matters(again)
the 🧠 is weird, but can also work in reverse👇🏽 -
— Bengal THE Jungle’s Physio (@BowTied_Bengal) April 11, 2023
My new patient broke her back
Tried to lift a 🐕 that fell between a chair and ottoman
Back popped, immediate pain, went to ER
Treated w/
•Pain meds
•6 months(‼️) in a brace
1st visit, EVERYTHING hurt
She's scared to move and cause more damage -
Just telling you pain ≠ damage isn't enough
— Bengal THE Jungle’s Physio (@BowTied_Bengal) April 11, 2023
It has to be believable, so you need real personal examples
This pt is a nurse. She's been lifting/carrying people for years, never had an issue
She didn't hurt herself until she
-bent over
-tried to lift something heavy -
This example helped her understand
— Bengal THE Jungle’s Physio (@BowTied_Bengal) April 11, 2023
1️⃣her back is strong AND durable. been using it for YEARS
2️⃣her injury was caused by an EXTREME position. Something she RARELY does
Obviously moving still hurt, but she can now move WITHOUT fear
Something we take for granted -
Pain's complex since its an OUTPUT
— Bengal THE Jungle’s Physio (@BowTied_Bengal) April 11, 2023
The 🧠 asks the 5 W's and decides the INTENSITY of your pain
My analogies show ways the system works
Then we try to figure out YOUR inputs
YOU have the biggest control of those inputs, no one else
I'm the tour guide, not the artist -
reminder to sign up for the newsletter for all things pain and injury
— Bengal THE Jungle’s Physio (@BowTied_Bengal) April 11, 2023 -
if this blew your mind and you enjoyed it
— Bengal THE Jungle’s Physio (@BowTied_Bengal) April 11, 2023
hell, even if you hated it
rt the original and spread the love/hate