The Spotlight Effect: What You Need to Know
The Spotlight Effect is a psychological phenomenon where we overestimate the degree to which other people are noticing our actions, behaviors, or appearance. Learn two simple takeaways about this phenomenon and why it's important to understand.

Sahil Bloom
Exploring my curiosity and sharing what I learn along the way. Gave up a grand slam on ESPN in 2012 and still waiting for it to land.

Harsh Truth: Most people don't really care about you.
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) April 15, 2023
The Spotlight Effect: -
The Spotlight Effect is a psychological phenomenon where we overestimate the degree to which other people are noticing our actions, behaviors, or appearance.
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) April 15, 2023
It's an egocentric bias—we see everything through a "Player 1" lens and believe our perspective is the only perspective. -
The phrase Spotlight Effect was coined by a group of psychologists in 2000.
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) April 15, 2023
They asked a student to wear an embarrassing shirt (with Barry Manilow on it) and estimate how many of their classmates noticed the outfit.
The student estimated 50%, when in reality only 25% did. -
Two simple takeaways:
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) April 15, 2023
1. We think everyone is staring and noticing us, but they aren't.
2. Even if they are, they quickly forget about it.
The Spotlight Effect explains why we feel that there is a spotlight shining on us in public and social situations. -
This has negative consequences in our lives:
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) April 15, 2023
• Pre-conditioned fear of placing yourself in "spotlight situations" means you shrink yourself down.
• Self-consciousness can manifest as self-centeredness.
• Avoidance of doing what makes you happy due to fear of judgement. -
We may never turn it off completely, but we could all benefit from dimming the spotlight...
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) April 15, 2023
Three Spotlight Dimming Strategies: -
Spotlight Dimming Strategy: Awareness
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) April 15, 2023
The first step is always awareness.
Understand that others are never as tuned into you as you are.
Even if they do notice you, they quickly forget about it, as they're just focused on themselves.
We are biologically selfish creatures! -
Spotlight Dimming Strategy: Be Interested
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) April 15, 2023
Most people strive to be interesting—to impress people.
Instead, focus on being interested.
Ask questions, listen, and engage.
This eases your own tension, gets others talking, and builds up your confidence in a new social situation. -
Spotlight Dimming Strategy: "So What?"
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) April 15, 2023
Whenever I think about a future spotlight situation, I confront my fears about what could go wrong.
I then ask, "so what?" about that fear becoming reality.
Usually it isn't all that bad.
"We suffer more in imagination than in reality." -
There are two big mistakes in life:
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) April 15, 2023
1. Worrying about what other people think about you.
2. Believing that other people think about you in the first place.
Fight back. Stop worrying about what others think, be yourself, and live according to your -
There’s so much hidden talent out there in the world that has yet to be revealed because of fear of judgement from others.
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) April 15, 2023
Overcoming the Spotlight Effect is the way that this talent gets unlocked.
Follow me @SahilBloom for more and RT the first tweet below to share it! -
I have a recurring “spotlight” nightmare that I trace back to my baseball days:
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) April 15, 2023
I’m on the field in a big situation, with all eyes on me, and realize I've forgotten how to throw the ball.
The eyes of the entire stadium bear down on me and I'm paralyzed by fear.
It sucks. -
I write about these topics in my 2x weekly newsletter.
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) April 15, 2023
Actionable ideas to help you live a healthy, wealthy life.
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Basically, the Spotlight Effect says we think people care about us WAY MORE than they actually do.
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) April 15, 2023
I used to worry about every little thing I did, thinking that people would scrutinize or judge me.
This places a huge and unnecessary drag on growth.