Linguistics Education and its Application in the Workplace
This blog explores the results of an analysis of interviews with linguistics graduates, providing a breakdown of the domain-specific and transferable skills reported by participants. Learn more about linguistics education and its application in the workplace here.

Lauren Gawne
Linguist Senior Lecturer @latrobe gesture/grammar/#lingdata/✨emoji Mastodon: Podcast: @lingthusiasm Blog: She/her(/they)
New article in Language from me and @AnujaCabraal:
— Lauren Gawne (@superlinguo) March 27, 2023
Linguistics education and its application in the workplace: An analysis of interviews with linguistics graduates -
We used the first 50 interviews from the Superlinguo Linguist Job Interviews to look at how people in a range of jobs and careers talk about their education and the skills they now use in the workplace
— Lauren Gawne (@superlinguo) March 27, 2023
full list of interviews here: -
We provide a breakdown of the domain-specific and transferable skills reported by participants. The paper also includes a survey of research and work on employability for linguistics grads, feat. @UpskillsProject @careerlinguist and @LingSocAm's Linguistics Beyond Academia SIG.
— Lauren Gawne (@superlinguo) March 27, 2023 -
Finally, we include practical steps and resources for linguistics educators to help students connect their learning to potential future careers and jobs.
— Lauren Gawne (@superlinguo) March 27, 2023
Educators are uniquely placed to help students, institutions and employers see the value of linguistics. -
A lot of this info and the activities are also included in the Linguistics Jobs resource set I put together with @GretchenAMcC, which has been updated with information from the paper:
— Lauren Gawne (@superlinguo) March 27, 2023 -
Thanks, again to everyone who participated in the Linguistics Job Interview series. And thanks to @AnujaCabraal for bringing a new perspective to the stories in those interviews.
— Lauren Gawne (@superlinguo) March 27, 2023
I hope that this paper provides an overview that is worthy of all the stories people shared. -
Blog summary of article:
— Lauren Gawne (@superlinguo) March 27, 2023
- link to paper (OA in March 2024, email me if you can't access it)
- link to Resource Set
- links to all interviews
- link to DIY #lingjobs interviews