Landing Your First Job in Tech
Learn the entire game plan for free to increase your chances of landing your first job in tech as a software developer. Utilize LinkedIn, attend events, and network with others.

Danny Thompson
Software Developer with a focus on helping as many people as I can | Host of Commit Your Code! Podcast | Host of the Twitter space - Junior Dev Power Hour
Want to increase the chances to land your very first job in tech as a software developer?
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023
Here's the entire game plan for free: -
Now, you don't have to do most of these things but each item you do helps INCREASE the potential and odds of getting your first job as a dev.
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023 -
1. Technical Ability
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023
Should go without saying but you can't get the job if you can't perform the tasks. You need to work on your coding abilities, problem solving and make some stuff with it!
Put those fingers on that keyboard and let them dance around a little bit! -
2. LinkedIn Profile
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023
LinkedIn is without a doubt one of the most under utilized tools but it has some of the highest quality of connections you could have.
Hiring managers, recruiters and decision makers for businesses are all on there DAILY. Stand out where THEY hang out! -
Every single minute 3 people land a job on LinkedIn. That's one person every 20 seconds, I don't see a reason why YOU can't be one of them too.
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023
Plus, there is one major benefit!
A good profile will land YOU in job searches without you having to do the leg work. -
Think about it, in order to apply to 100 jobs, you would have to fill out 100 job applications just for them to know you exist.
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023
If you need help with LinkedIn, check out the LinkedIn Series on YouTube. Link in my bio. -
3. Portfolio Site
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023
UNDERSTAND WHAT THE PURPOSE OF THIS SITE IS! Your portfolio site isn't just an extra project. It isn't there to host every single project you make.
It is your way of providing the right path to your best work first. By guiding them to your strengths. -
You are setting up their expectations so if they now find other projects that you have made on your GitHub or wherever, they first say "Well I have seen their best work so I can see where they were going with this."
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023
The flow of information is the most important thing here. -
Now, your portfolio site doesn't actually have to be super technical, it just needs to look good. Why?
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023
The average recruiter isn't technical. Their specialty is in PEOPLE not programming. They don't know the intrinsic differences between react and angular or C# and Java. -
So by having your portfolio look good, they can trust some of the abilities you are showing. Remember, they are the first line of hiring. They are vetting candidates, they are speaking and researching.
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023
Know your audience! -
4. Portfolio projects
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023
This is where you showcase the skills to pay the bills! This is where you prove that you know what you say you know!
Now I don't actually care about the QUANTITY of projects, I care about the QUALITY! The quality truly matters. -
Your projects should solve a problem & you can discuss your solution. Your project should not be complete in a weekend or two.
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023
There are projects you build to learn things from & there are projects you use for landing jobs and speaking about in interviews
These are NOT the same. -
Now a project by itself won't get you a job. Maybe in a very small amount of cases will someone somehow stumble upon random code online and say "I HAVE TO HAVE THIS PERSON!"
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023
The reality is, your project is giving you things to talk about in the interview! While networking, etc. -
If an interview is 60 minutes long and I get to spend 20 minutes talking about my technical ability in a way that I feel confident and comfortable, who do you think is winning that interview?
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023
That's the point here. -
5. Resume
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023
You have to have a good resume. You need to list out previous experience. Now I know the first thing you say is "Well I don't have technical experience." That's ok. Still list out your experience but don't do this HUGE mistake people always do. -
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023
- rang up customers
- counted money
- bagged groceries
I knew you did that
I already knew that. You did something to show someone somewhere at that job that you deserved to be there, what was it? -
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023
- Increased impulse purchase buying at the point of sale by using a customer first approach and rotating product categories available based on product movement
- reduce spoilage of product by implementing a system for rotation of products
See the difference? -
Your resume should prioritize one huge thing and it isn't the design, it is the ease of reading information.
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023
The average recruiter gets THOUSANDS of resumes when a job is listed. Your focus should not be in burying the leads and vital info.
Your first point should be your best -
Make them interested in reading more.
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023
They spend 6 to 10 seconds on average on a resume before deciding to spend more time or move on to the next one. Make your info easy to read and impactful!
10 seconds become 30
30 seconds becomes 2 minutes.
2 minutes leads to a DM. -
6. Networking
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023
This is one of the most valuable things you can be doing.
Network online, in person, meetups, hackathons, etc. I owe my entire career to meetups and I highly recommend you going to as many as possible. Truly grow your network. -
Now I always hear this when I say meetups "Well I live in an area where there are no meetups!"
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023
This is almost always not true but let's say it is. Do you think you are the only one that wants a meetup to go to? Be the change you want to see! Start a study group! -
Hope this helps and gives you actionable things that you can be doing to get closer and increase those chances!
— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023 -
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— Danny Thompson (@DThompsonDev) April 9, 2023