Insomnia: Causes and Solutions
This blog looks at the causes and solutions of insomnia, which affects around 30% of Americans. It examines the negative effects of caffeine intake and suggests five lifestyle mistakes to avoid in order to solve insomnia.

Alexander Cortes PhD, Fitness, Nutrition, Fat loss
#1 OG of Fitness Twitter. Doctorate in BroScience. 12 years producing physical transformations. Build muscle, burn fat, Join 42K people reading my newsletter

If you struggle to fall asleep, read this:
— Alexander Cortes PhD, Fitness, Nutrition, Fat loss (@AJA_Cortes) March 2, 2023 -
Insomnia affects around 30% of Americans (70 million people)
— Alexander Cortes PhD, Fitness, Nutrition, Fat loss (@AJA_Cortes) March 2, 2023
Reduced energy
Impaired memory
More prone to fat gain
lower test levels (in men)
All negatives, no positives
But most peoples insomnia is solvable, because practically everyone makes the same 5 lifestyle mistakes -
1. Caffeine intake
— Alexander Cortes PhD, Fitness, Nutrition, Fat loss (@AJA_Cortes) March 2, 2023
People consume coffee and energy drinks All day now, its the most abused drug
-Delays falling asleep
-fragments and reduces sleep, less time in REM
-Increases fatigue and creates negative feedback loop
Limit caffeine to 500mg, and dont drink it past 12pm -
2. Blue Light Exposure
— Alexander Cortes PhD, Fitness, Nutrition, Fat loss (@AJA_Cortes) March 2, 2023
We all sleep with our phones now, laptops are open, melatonin production is completely wrecked by this
Wear blue light blockers if you want, but regardless you NEED to turn off these light sources, or put them in another room at least 1hr before bed -
3. No Darkness
— Alexander Cortes PhD, Fitness, Nutrition, Fat loss (@AJA_Cortes) March 2, 2023
Melatonin does not get produced unless you are in the DARK
You have no idea how much faster and easier you'd fall asleep and stay asleep if you were in a pitch black room
Get black out curtains, turn off ALL light, and you'll sleep far better -
4. Your room is too warm
— Alexander Cortes PhD, Fitness, Nutrition, Fat loss (@AJA_Cortes) March 2, 2023
optimal temp range for sleep is 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit (16-19 degrees Celsius)
if your room is warmer than that, your sleep will be negatively impacted
Colder is better, buy a fan, run the AC, whatever you need to do -
5. Alcohol
— Alexander Cortes PhD, Fitness, Nutrition, Fat loss (@AJA_Cortes) March 2, 2023
Alcohol disrupts REM sleep in almost everyone. Even 1 drink can do this.
If evening alcohol consumption is a habit, and sleep is an issue, drop the booze.