Highlighting Permit and Development Risks in Mining Projects
Investing in mining projects can be risky due to permit and development risks. Local leaders and their elections can cause a project to be put on hold for a long time. It is important to be aware of these risks before investing.

Kevin Bambrough
Retired Investment Professional on the side of truth and fairness. Tweets are just my opinions and not advice or recommendations. Looking for 10x in 10yr stuff
Ever notice that some people like to highlight permit/development risks in areas or commodities they don’t own but want to obfuscate the truth in areas they have investments?
— Kevin Bambrough (@BambroughKevin) April 1, 2023 -
Fact is ALL mining projects have material permit and development risk. I’ve been blindsided by this many times in my investment career. Current local leader for it.. election comes. Someone runs anti development. Project is toast for another election cycle.
— Kevin Bambrough (@BambroughKevin) April 1, 2023 -
Or things look good and you hear all the right things from local leaders (that often have been financially incentivized) but when the final deal is tabled to a community vote and it fails. Especially when environmental groups show up and stir up a hornets nest.
— Kevin Bambrough (@BambroughKevin) April 1, 2023 -
I personally thought for sure economic sharing and impact benefits would be sorted out at Jabaluka. Given that ERA/RIO was already mining there, employing and paying royalties. But amazingly the tribal leaders theres convinced the community that over all it was a negative
— Kevin Bambrough (@BambroughKevin) April 1, 2023 -
The royalty checks created a culture of dependency where many people just waiting for the cheques and hit the liquor store. Alcoholism was prevalent and people viewed the environmental risk as being too high for the long term
— Kevin Bambrough (@BambroughKevin) April 1, 2023 -
They focused on the fact they wanted to be in a beauty natural place for many generations to come and believed they must be good stewards of the sacred lands. So shut it all down they did. At one point last cycle we had probably well over $50mln in ERA
— Kevin Bambrough (@BambroughKevin) April 1, 2023 -
The uranium price when 10x+ and ERA got us next to nothing. (Despite producing and having other assets)
— Kevin Bambrough (@BambroughKevin) April 1, 2023
Anyhow. Sometimes the best assets in the world just get vetoed locally. -
I could go on and on with other examples of stories were we got burned. But I like remembering the successes. And many times we invested in areas that currently opposed but we saw change coming.
— Kevin Bambrough (@BambroughKevin) April 1, 2023 -
Few people really want to mine.. seriously. Most communities don’t want a hole in the ground and a mess on the surface no matter how small. But economics matter. People need to feed their families and often good projects that are rather remote with a solid mine plan
— Kevin Bambrough (@BambroughKevin) April 1, 2023 -
Get the go ahead. But uranium and water tables don’t mix… that’s for sure. No doubt uranium mines are the most difficult assets to permit of all commodities. Part of the reason the price will be going ballistic in due course. Delays are the norm. Permit risk kills investment
— Kevin Bambrough (@BambroughKevin) April 1, 2023 -
And you can fool retail investors for periods of time but the big institutional investors and lenders won’t be writing big mine financing cheques until all i’s are dotted and t’s crossed on full final permits and that includes even road block protests.
— Kevin Bambrough (@BambroughKevin) April 1, 2023 -
When a local community decides to shut down a mine… stock takes a nasty dump. Mining companies can’t just ride rough shot over local communities anymore. And the game of taking care of a few in the community to win votes is ending.
— Kevin Bambrough (@BambroughKevin) April 1, 2023 -
Projects can have a path forward and an agreed structure to get consent and negotiate final agreements. But they will go to referendum one way or another. If a local leader doesn’t respect the will of the local people he will be removed from office.
— Kevin Bambrough (@BambroughKevin) April 1, 2023