Getting Shredded in a Couple of Months
Learn how to get shredded in a couple of months with this step-by-step guide. Discover how to reduce training volume, adjust diet, and focus on cardio to achieve your desired physique.

Rob - Nothing Barred Fitness
I help dads become their kids' superheroes with a simple nutrition philosopy and workout programs that take less than 60 mins/week.

If you're fairly lean and have decent muscularity, you can get shredded in a couple of months.
— Rob - Nothing Barred Fitness (@Rob_NBF) April 6, 2023
Here's how I did it. -
I've been training for about 9 years.
— Rob - Nothing Barred Fitness (@Rob_NBF) April 6, 2023
Most of the time I look like the picture on the left in the tweet above.
But sometimes, I want to get shredded.
This thread will tell you what I did to go from 18% to 8% body fat.
(This all works for fat loss regardless of start point) -
Step 1: REDUCE my training volume.
— Rob - Nothing Barred Fitness (@Rob_NBF) April 6, 2023
Yes, you read that right.
When I'm getting lean, I want the recovery demand on my body to be as low as possible whilst providing the minimum effective dose to maintain the muscle that I already have. -
Getting lean requires a calorie deficit.
— Rob - Nothing Barred Fitness (@Rob_NBF) April 6, 2023
When in a calorie deficit, recovery is harder and takes longer.
A calorie deficit will take a toll on you mentally and physically.
You want minimal training so you're keeping stress on your body as low as possible. -
My transformation took 8 weeks.
— Rob - Nothing Barred Fitness (@Rob_NBF) April 6, 2023
This wouldn't be possible if I hadn't trained for YEARS beforehand.
The muscle hasn't been built in 8 weeks, the fat covering it has been lost in 8 weeks.
The result is an optical illusion where I look much more muscular than before. -
The second key thing I did to achieve this transformation was to reduce my calorie intake.
— Rob - Nothing Barred Fitness (@Rob_NBF) April 6, 2023
I went from not tracking my food, to tracking it closely. -
I knew what I would need to weigh to achieve the condition I wanted for the photoshoot.
— Rob - Nothing Barred Fitness (@Rob_NBF) April 6, 2023
I had about 25 lbs to lose (yeah, you're fatter than you think).
To calculate the calorie intake I would need to achieve this result on time, I used MacroFactor. -
MacroFactor is an incredibly clever app.
— Rob - Nothing Barred Fitness (@Rob_NBF) April 6, 2023
It's a food tracking app that will give you recommended calories and macros, then adjust them based on your progress to ensure you hit your goals by a given date. -
I've recommended it enough times that the creators reached out to me and offered me the chance to become an affiliate. I was more than happy to.
— Rob - Nothing Barred Fitness (@Rob_NBF) April 6, 2023
If you use my code (ROBNBF) you can get a free trial for 2 weeks. -
As I mentioned before, my training was very minimal.
— Rob - Nothing Barred Fitness (@Rob_NBF) April 6, 2023
As well as keeping stresses down to promote recovery, I'm also a very busy dad with 2 young kids - so time is an issue.
I kept it to just the main compound movements I needed to cover all of the major muscle groups. -
These were my two workouts.
— Rob - Nothing Barred Fitness (@Rob_NBF) April 6, 2023
- Squat
- Dumbbell or cable row
- Incline dumbbell press
- Romanian Deadlift
- Pullup or lat pulldown
- Seated dumbbell press
All for 2 sets to failure. -
If I had time I threw in some calf raises, lateral raises or flyes but 90% of the time the above was all I did.
— Rob - Nothing Barred Fitness (@Rob_NBF) April 6, 2023
I train abs once in a blue moon. -
I've trained like this since becoming a dad five years ago.
— Rob - Nothing Barred Fitness (@Rob_NBF) April 6, 2023
I've found that MUCH less training is needed than people typically think.
I've put my approach and various different plans in my program 20 Minute Muscle (66% off today) -
It's simple.
— Rob - Nothing Barred Fitness (@Rob_NBF) April 6, 2023
Not easy, by any means, but simple.
The hard part is consistency and adhering to the calorie deficit when you start getting very lean, hungry and irritable.
Long term, I'd rather maintain my previous body fat levels! -
If you found this thread useful, give the first tweet a retweet so others can benefit.
— Rob - Nothing Barred Fitness (@Rob_NBF) April 6, 2023
Follow me @Rob_NBF if you want to get lean and optimise your health. -
P.S. Seeking 3 committed men ready to shed 20+ lbs of fat within the next 3-4 months.
— Rob - Nothing Barred Fitness (@Rob_NBF) April 6, 2023
Work one-on-one with me and achieve guaranteed results.
Click the button below to send me a DM.
(Note: Investment required, but results are assured) -
Are you following me on Instagram?
— Rob - Nothing Barred Fitness (@Rob_NBF) April 6, 2023
If not, you're missing out: