10 Ways to Live Life Like It's Your Second Time Around
Do you want to make the most of your life? Here are 10 ways to live life like it's your second time around. Avoid telling people your goals, normalize consistency, and make 'No' your default. Consider the things you won't care about in 5 years and prioritize your life.

Ben Meer
Personal Development 2.0. I write about systems and high-performance living ⚡ Cornell MBA • NASM Trainer
10 ways to live life like it's your second time around:
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) March 6, 2023
1. Consider the things won't give a f*ck about in 5 years. Other people's opinions, petty disagreements, sensationalized news. Allow yourself to stop caring now. -
2. Avoid telling people your goals. It releases cheap dopamine and tricks your brain into thinking you've already achieved them (lowering motivation). Move in silence.
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) March 6, 2023
3. Normalize consistency as your loudest statement. -
4. Spotlight Effect (Bias): We think people are paying far more attention to us than they are. Harsh truth: Your freedom begins the day you realize nobody is thinking about you.
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) March 6, 2023
5. Psychology says, the way you talk about others is the way you talk to yourself (so be kind). -
6. Spend more time with people who give you energy. Spend less time with people who steal your energy.
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) March 6, 2023
7. Master the "gift of goodbye." You don't owe loyalty to a friend, partner, or employer who belittles you. Successful & happy people simply say goodbye. -
8. Learn from your mistakes (after-action review):
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) March 6, 2023
1. What did I intend to accomplish?
2. What happened?
3. Why did it happen that way?
4. What will I do next time for a better outcome (or to repeat my success)?
Learning from mistakes separates the best from the rest. -
9. Make 'No' your default.
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) March 6, 2023
Whether it's new work projects or social gatherings,
Saying 'Yes' to non-priorities ruins your priorities.
In the words of Mark Manson,
If it's not a 'fuck yes,'
It's a no. -
10. Normalize being weird.
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) March 6, 2023
"Weirdness is what sets us apart, gets us hired. Be your unapologetically weird self. In fact, being weird may even find you the ultimate happiness."
—Chris Sacca -
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this, please share it with others.
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) March 6, 2023
Ben -
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— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) March 6, 2023
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