Understanding the Longevity Biotechnology Industry
This article looks at the goals and pathways of the longevity biotechnology industry and how to identify a longevity biotech company. It discusses the importance of mission statements and how they can help guide discovery and development efforts.

David Sinclair
-Scientist, Professor @ Harvard Medical School -Author, Host: Lifespan book & podcast -Mission: extend lifespan for all -Learn more: https://t.co/uzVAKX25Pp

How do you know a longevity biotech co. when you see one (without knowing the biological age of the staff)? 1/8 📄➡ https://t.co/tY8bCIacAH pic.twitter.com/0a5GQ8Rqcv
— David Sinclair (@davidasinclair) June 29, 2023 -
Free article looks like this: 2/8 pic.twitter.com/ExQQCTwQN9
— David Sinclair (@davidasinclair) June 29, 2023 -
Table 1. 3/8 pic.twitter.com/B8R2qhhpl3
— David Sinclair (@davidasinclair) June 29, 2023 -
The longevity biotechnology industry is organized around the goal of increasing the period of life a person spends in good health — their healthspan 💪 4/8
— David Sinclair (@davidasinclair) June 29, 2023 -
Longevity biotechnology companies (LBCs) are organizations developing & testing therapeutics to test the geroscience hypothesis: directly targeting fundamental mechanisms of aging will ameliorate, reverse multiple chronic diseases 🧬 5/8
— David Sinclair (@davidasinclair) June 29, 2023 -
To guide their discovery & development efforts, LBCs should adopt mission statements consistent with these goals: targeting the pathways underlying aging, developing drugs capable of treating or preventing multiple age-related diseases, & increasing healthspan & lifespan 🚀 6/8
— David Sinclair (@davidasinclair) June 29, 2023 -
Nicola Boekstein @CambrianBio@NirBarzilaiMD @CohbarInc @bertram_andre @ahlresearch
— David Sinclair (@davidasinclair) June 29, 2023
Joe Betts-LaCroix @RetroBio@kpfortney @bioagelabs
Stephen Helliwell @mitomedicineman, @MichaelHufford @LyGenesis_Inc @MannickJoan, Tornado Tx
Jerry McLaughlin @lifebiosciences 7/8 -
Authors part 2:
— David Sinclair (@davidasinclair) June 29, 2023
Jim Mellon @juvlabs
Eric Morgen @bioage
Nils Regge @apollohealthvc@DaisyRobinton @OvivaHealth @davidasinclair @lifebiosciences@ahlresearch @SergeyYoung200
Risa Starr @ahlresearch
Alex Zhavoronkov @biogerontology @InSilicoMeds@JamesPeyer @CambrianBio
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