The Truth Behind Big Pharma: My Journey to Better Health
Real Talk: I used to work for Big Pharma 7 years ago. Something happened that made me change my whole view of medicine and turn my life upside down for the better. Here's my story and what I've learned about good health.

John Constas
Medicine is broken. I've helped 160+ men & women bulletproof their health with my deep sleep protocol and permanently eliminate stress
Real Talk: I used to work for Big Pharma
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
7 years ago
Something happened that made me change my whole view of medicine
It turned my life upside down
but for the better
We're all promised good health comes from taking a "magic" pill
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
That our genetics control our destiny and there's nothing we can do about it
I believed this idea once upon a time
Until I got really sick and realized it was all BS -
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
You may know me as the "Health guy"
but I was once the "insomniac, depressed and anxious guy"
Here's my most personal story yet... -
My life used to be a never-ending chaotic tailspin
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
My worries drowned my zest for life
I always felt like danger was right around the corner
Stuck in fight or flight mode
Almost like I was living in a real-life thriller
24/7 -
On paper, it looked like I was doing great
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
Great job
Crushing it at the gym
Penthouse apartment
But inside, it felt like I was just pretending
I was stressed and worried all the time, which made me exhausted
I couldn't shake it -
I walked around feeling confused & foggy
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
I kept asking myself:
If I'm doing everything right, why do I feel so sh*tty?
Why am I always so tired?
Why am I always worried?
I was an empty shell of who I used to be -
My sleep was a nightmare
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
Every night I'd toss and turn for hours
When I'd wake up in the morning
It felt like I got hit by a freight train
I went through life feeling completely fried -
But it wasn't only at night that I was living in Hell
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
My mind ran at a mile a minute all day long
Every small thing irritated me
My stress was SO bad that I couldn't even get it up anymore
As a guy in his 20s with no sex drive
It felt like my life was over -
I couldn't take it anymore and decided to book an appointment with a doctor
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
I remember being in the office
Embarrassed that I even needed to talk about my "issue" with a stranger -
The doc came in to see me
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
I told him what was happening
The result?
He gave me a Viagra prescription and sent me on my way
All within 3 minutes
I couldn't believe it... -
Being the Big Pharma groupie that I was
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
I assumed this doctor made a mistake and decided to go see another
I jumped around from specialist to specialist
They passed me around like a hot potato
Each of them not knowing what to do with me -
Some docs told me that "it was all in my head"
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
Or "Just to take it easy"
My lab work was PERFECT
In their eyes, I was "healthy"
But I knew that something was very, very wrong -
They just kept trying to throw pills at me
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
Telling me I was too stressed and to "take it easy"
I couldn't wait any longer
I was gonna snap if I didn't do something ASAP -
I came at a crossroad:
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
Either I get prescribed an SSRI/benzo and be medicated all of my life
Or find a more natural approach to solve this horrible burnout... -
A voice deep inside me warned me of the possible dangers of psychiatric meds
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
I knew lots of family and friends that were already on SSRIs
Lexapro, Prozac... you name it
Best case: They became numb
They'd have no downs but it killed their libido
Which scared the sh*t outta me -
Medication felt like a bad idea
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
Being open-minded and already into fitness/wellness
I wanted to explore other options
I was fed up with being let down by doctors
I felt forced to go "against" Big Pharma
Something pushed me to see what the "other team" had to offer -
One day
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
I drove by a health food store
You know, the kind ran by people that give all-natural health advice
I was always told that natural remedies were "snake oil" that had zero evidence behind them -
I saw the word "naturopath" on the door & rolled my eyes
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
"These people are quacks, there's no way they can help me"
The mere thought of going into this place made me feel like a FRAUD... -
As I stood in front of the entrance
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
The pain of my insomnia, anxiety and low sex drive flooded all my senses
This pushed me to go in and get some answers
It was my LAST chance
Before a lifetime of sedation by Big Pharma drugs -
I found the naturopath's office and waited VERY impatiently to consult with him
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
I paced & I paced & I paced
"This guy isn't a doctor, are you crazy?"
" You work in pharma, John. Go get the meds and stop being foolish!"
As I battled these thoughts
Suddenly the door opened... -
The naturopath welcomed me inside his office
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
For the 5th time in 3 weeks
I poured my heart out to another stranger
Who wasn't even a doctor
I needed answers immediately
I was burnt out and ready to blow a fuse -
To my great surprise
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
The naturopath listened - he HEARD me
He made eye contact
Asked me questions about which foods I was eating and how I was living
It felt like I was talking to a human
Unlike the robotic doctors that rushed me out of their office -
With all the information he gathered
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
He gave me tons of actionable advice
And even recommended these weird things he called "supplements"
Which were a mix of adaptogens and minerals -
He mentioned his experience with many clients struggling with burnout
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
And comforted me by saying that the herbs would help me feel better in no time
It was the first bit of hope I had felt in a while
I was hopeful but skeptical at the same time -
I reluctantly took all the supplements
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
EXACTLY like he told me to
I felt like a traitor the whole time
On day 3 is when the magic happened... -
I woke up with energy
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
I felt normal again --- I felt like ME again
My brain fog cleared up
Even if the stress of life hadn't disappeared
I could handle it better
Holy crap! -
My excitement slowly transitioned into a "WTF???"
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
It wasn't my first time trying supplements
I had tried basic stuff like fish oil and probiotics
Even multivitamins
None of which helped -
How the hell did these natural herbs take me from
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
Horrible anxiety, high stress and poor sleep
Energetic and calm
In a matter of DAYS?
I swear it felt like magic -
It was clear to me that the supplements weren't the ONLY cause of my success
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
I fixed the way I was eating
I changed my exercise schedule
And a bunch of other things I'll save for another thread, since this one is getting long...
But anyway... -
The best way I could describe it is:
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
Before, I felt like I was constantly drained
Like a smartphone constantly stuck at 1% battery
After taking the supplements
While it wasn't perfect...
I finally felt like I was charging up again -
A week later, I had a whole new routine
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
My habits got dramatically better
And so did my health
I was shocked at how much progress I had made in just a WEEK
Why didn't any of my doctors tell me any of this stuff?
That's when I went DEEP down the rabbit hole -
Imagine what I could do if I took it further?
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
And that was the first spark for me
I IMMERSED myself in natural and functional medicine
I wanted to learn EVERYTHING
For months, I studied:
Books, courses, videos, even "gurus”:
I absorbed it all -
It was like taking the proverbial "redpill" which created a powerful paradigm shift in my life
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
I started to really understand the way medicine worked
And its for-profit sickcare system -
I realized that our myopic way of looking at health was a disservice to humanity
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
People needed help NOW
"Follow the science" was doing more harm than good
And I wanted to change that -
The deeper I went, the better I felt
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
I unlearned as much stuff as I learned...
And my life improved, every week
My sleep was back!
No more Zombie-me!
I started to feel full of life again
I had the energy of a child in a huge playground -
As my health steadily improved
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
I started attracting better opportunities in my life
I left the pharma industry
And joined a company that provided natural solutions to open-minded doctors all over Canada -
I trained clinicians how to use lifestyle medicine in their practice
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
And accelerate their patient's healing process with high-quality supplements -
In 2019
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
My DEEP need to share this natural health knowledge grew
And it grew
So I came to share my passion for health on Twitter
Before I knew it... -
People started reaching out to me for 1-on-1 help
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
Their stories were similar to mine: low energy, poor sleep, high stress
No answers from their never ending doctor's visits
That’s when I realized I wasn’t alone. -
If you feel like:
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
There’s no end to your pain
The system is against you
Or even worse…
You feel like you have to take pills, forever...
Just know, that wasn’t true for me or my clients
And it may not be true for you, either -
You can completely transform your life using the power of Nature
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
You can improve your biology & program your genes
It’s never too late - you can be 30, 42, 55 to even 78
You deserve to feel your best for yourself...
And the people in your life that depend on you -
If you liked this you'll love my newsletter
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
Join 2000+ subscribers and get started on your health journey: -
I’m pretty confident I can take any busy professional who's stressed &
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
sleeping like crap & get them the best snooze in the next 20 weeks
If you:
- want a customized solution
- without taking a single sleeping pill
- my 1 on 1 help
DM me “Sleep” -
I want this thread to touch people going through hard times.
— John Constas (@JohnConstas) June 8, 2023
I want them to know they’re not alone.
So if you can?
Please give it a retweet: