Toxic American Ingredients Banned in Other Countries
The cost of obesity in the United States is nearly $173 billion per year. This blog looks at 11 American ingredients so toxic, they're banned in other countries.

Tan Man
CEO of Natural Health & Beauty with a PhD in tanning without sunscreen. Helping you to be healthy and enjoy your life. Eat @masa_chips

According to the CDC, the cost of obesity in the United States is nearly $173 billion per year.
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) April 7, 2023
And when we look at the food, it starts to make sense.
Here are 11 American ingredients so toxic...they're banned in other countries: -
1. Dough Conditioners
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) April 7, 2023
The keto guys have one thing right:
Bread products in America are hyper-toxic.
Most contain additive conditioners like potassium bromate (a category 2B carcinogen) and azodicarbonamide.
Exposure can even cause asthma or other respiratory issues. -
2. Brominated Vegetable Oil
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) April 7, 2023
BVO was originally a flame retardant.
But now, BVO van be found in sports drinks and citrus sodas. Known side effects include:
- skin rash
- birth defects
- organ damage
- heart problems
Not my idea of a refreshing beverage. -
3. Propylparaben
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) April 7, 2023
This preservative can be used in pies, muffins, tortillas, and trail mix.
Exposure to this toxic junk has been known to affect sex hormones and sperm counts in rats.
According to Cornell University, parabens may also be linked to breast cancer.
Avoid. -
4. BHA and BHT
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) April 7, 2023
Dry food storage preservative. You can find it in cereal, instant potatoes, and sometimes product packaging.
Another endocrine disruptor and possible carcinogen.
Banned in the EU, UK, Japan, and other countries. -
5. Synthetic Food Dye
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) April 7, 2023
You've heard about these:
- Blue 2
- Yellow 5
- Red 40
Used to enhance color to make foods more "appealing" (dumb). Drinks, candy, glazes - even mustard and salmon aren't safe from these nasty chemicals.
And the crazy part? -
The U.S. used to use natural food coloring.
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) April 7, 2023
Until manufacturers realized hardcore chemicals were much cheaper and much more colorful.
Hope it was worth it - these things are linked to tumors and hyperactivity in children.
Banned in Europe and Australia. -
6. Glyphosate
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) April 7, 2023
Simple math:
- Alter the DNA of your crops to be resistant to herbicides
- Use hyper-toxic herbicide like glyphosate on your crops
- Profit
Monsanto. Roundup. I won't spell it all out here - it's too much even for a whole thread.
Just google "glyphosate banned". -
7. Roxarsone
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) April 7, 2023
Arsenic-based drug administered to chickens to make the raw meat more pink and speed up growth before slaughter.
Hasn't been used since 2011, but there's still no law or regulation against using arsenic for raising chickens.
Again, too many side effects to list. -
8. Ractopamine
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) April 7, 2023
Muscle enhancer for pigs, cows, and turkeys.
The fun part?
It's banned in 122 countries.
Linked to reproductive damage, cardiovascular issues, chromosomal changes, and more.
No wonder the world hates USA pork. -
9. Herbicides, Pesticides, & Fungicides
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) April 7, 2023
It's no secret - these chemicals are everywhere when it comes to USA agriculture.
Other countries are far more strict when it comes to dumping harsh chemicals on their food supply.
This category is massive.
Buy local/organic. -
10. Olestra
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) April 7, 2023
Cholesterol-free fat substitute (dude).
Created by Proctor & Gamble (bruh).
May cause diarrhea and leaky bowels (c'mon).
Still used in certain potato chips and French fries.
Tallow enjoyers: we are UP. -
11. Synthetic Hormones
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) April 7, 2023
The dairy industry uses rBGH and rBST to increase milk production in cows.
But rBGH in humans?
May increase risk of cancer.
Canada, EU, and others have banned this stuff.
Buy local dairy. You will not look back.
And yes, drink raw milk. -
Here's what you need to do:
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) April 7, 2023
1. Read all food labels
2. Minimize or eliminate processed foods
3. Buy organic and local
4. Become part of the food community where you live
I'm walking the walk - check out @Masa_Chips for a seed oil free snack (100% pure ingredients ALWAYS).