Responsible Publishing in CM/ID: Insights from Editors
This session chaired by Ursula Hofer and Ines Steffens is co-organised with TAEscmid, ESCMID Steering Committee, and CMIJournal Board of Editors. Speakers include Leonard Leibovici, David Van Duin, Elisabeth Bik, and Marc J.M. Bonten, who will discuss responsible publishing in CM/ID.

Elisabeth Bik
Science integrity consultant, PhD. #ImageForensics Currently without cat or blue check, but soccer-mom of godson. She/her. π³π±πΊπΈ

I will be live-tweeting the session 'Responsible publishing in CM/ID',
— Elisabeth Bik is at the Thomas More campus in Geel (@MicrobiomDigest) April 17, 2023
Chaired by Ursula Hofer, EiC of @TheLancetInfDis and Ines Steffens, EiC of @Eurosurveillanc
Co-organised with: @TAEscmid @ESCMID Steering Committee, @CMIJournal Board of Editors#ECCMID2023 -
Speakers in this session: @LeonardLeibovi1 - Leonard Leibovici (Petah-Tiqva, Israel)@davidvanduin - David Van Duin (Chapel Hill, United States)@microbiomdigest - Elisabeth Bik (San Francisco, United States)@MarcBonten - Marc J.M. Bonten (Utrecht, Netherlands)#ECCMID2023
— Elisabeth Bik is at the Thomas More campus in Geel (@MicrobiomDigest) April 17, 2023 -
The first speaker is Leonard Leibovici - @LeonardLeibovi1 with '"Hot" studies with bad methods: responsibility of editors'
— Elisabeth Bik is at the Thomas More campus in Geel (@MicrobiomDigest) April 17, 2023
He starts with pointing out that the number of publications is enormous: already over 300,000 publications about COVID19 in PubMed.#ECCMID2023 -
LL: There was a flurry of COVID-19 treatments that were tested for no good reason, such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
— Elisabeth Bik is at the Thomas More campus in Geel (@MicrobiomDigest) April 17, 2023
Ioannidis et al. have pointed out that many studies are wrong, especially small studies with a small effect size. -
LL: In observational studies there are many variables, such as age, gender, severity of disease, management - large numbers of patients are needed for statistical conclusions (e.g. 1100), but sample sizes are often much smaller, and such studies can be misleading.#ECCMID2023
— Elisabeth Bik is at the Thomas More campus in Geel (@MicrobiomDigest) April 17, 2023 -
LL: Bad design of a study has the potential to harm, e.g. hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 - many RCTs have been performed trying to reproduce its efficacy, but failed to do so. This was a waste of effort. #ECCMID2023
— Elisabeth Bik is at the Thomas More campus in Geel (@MicrobiomDigest) April 17, 2023 -
LL: There are now over 6,500 systematic reviews on COVID-19 treatment.
— Elisabeth Bik is at the Thomas More campus in Geel (@MicrobiomDigest) April 17, 2023
Are all these publications on the same subject worthwhile?
Many studies should not have been done or published. #ECCMID2023 -
LL: We need research institutions, granting bodies to stop counting publications. Instead, look at quality of research and potential inpact.
— Elisabeth Bik is at the Thomas More campus in Geel (@MicrobiomDigest) April 17, 2023
Editors should do better in publishing good-methodology and significant studies. Don't publish studies that don't matter. #ECCMID2023