Money is Not Evil
Society teaches us that money is evil, but it's a lie. Learn how to change this mindset and understand why money is simply a tool and it’s what you do with it that matters. Find out how cartoons, childhood stories, and lessons from our parents can influence our views on money.

Clint Murphy
I simplify psychology, success and money by sharing advice from millionaires, expert authors and my life.
Society teaches you Money is Evil.
— Clint Murphy (@IAmClintMurphy) April 7, 2023
It's the biggest lie they tell us.
Here's how to change it: -
Most of us are conditioned to believe money is evil and it creates two problems:
— Clint Murphy (@IAmClintMurphy) April 7, 2023
• A scarcity mindset
• An aversion to wealth
Money is simply a tool and it’s what you do with it that matters. -
The different ways they teach you money is evil are:
— Clint Murphy (@IAmClintMurphy) April 7, 2023
• Cartoons
• Childhood stories
• Lessons from our parents
Cartoons demonstrate the evilness of money in three different ways:
• The Villian
• The Poor Noble
• Use of Negative Language -
• The Villian
— Clint Murphy (@IAmClintMurphy) April 7, 2023
The villian in a lot of cartoons, and children’s stories, is often wealthy.
Their wealth is tied to:
• Greed
• Cruelty
• Selfishness
• Exploitation
• Manipulation
• Power hunger
Rarely is a wealthy character painted in a positive light. -
• The Poor Noble
— Clint Murphy (@IAmClintMurphy) April 7, 2023
In contrast to the wealthy villain, the main character is often a poor person with humble beginnings:
• Mulan
• Moana
• Aladdin
• Cinderella
• Harry Potter
The humble beginnings of these characters draw us to them. -
• Use of Negative Language
— Clint Murphy (@IAmClintMurphy) April 7, 2023
Seriously, think of all the quotes thrown at you growing up – Money:
• Is the root of all evil
• Can’t buy happiness
• Doesn’t grow on trees
As parents, we probably don’t mean to scar our children’s opinion of money, but we do. -
• Lessons From Our Parents
— Clint Murphy (@IAmClintMurphy) April 7, 2023
In childhood, our parents may teach us money is evil, even if it’s not on purpose.
Here are the ways they teach us:
• Trauma
• Low self-esteem
• Guilt and shame
• Financial struggles
• Negative messaging -
I have two sons.
— Clint Murphy (@IAmClintMurphy) April 7, 2023
I see this on TV, in the media, when they watch cartoons or movies.
And, there's no way I'm going to let them think money is evil or they don't deserve it.
It's our job as parents to teach them.
I talked about it yesterday: -
This is a conversation on why Money is Not Evil.
— Clint Murphy (@IAmClintMurphy) April 7, 2023
Have a read of the newsletter to understand how you were conditioned to believe Money is Evil.
If you want more of this content,
1. Follow @IAmClintMurphy
2. Retweet the 1st Tweet -
P.S. If you want to learn how to:
— Clint Murphy (@IAmClintMurphy) April 7, 2023
• Think better
• Achieve more
• Be financially free
Listen to my Podcast, the Growth Guide,
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