Leading a Marriage: 17 Tactics That Worked For Us
Discover how to lead a successful marriage with 17 tactics that worked for us and others. Reject passivity and take the lead in your relationship for a better home life.

Tyler Todt
Husband | #1 dad | Fitness Health Habits | Winning one day at a time | Love building others up, let’s all win! | Jeremiah 29:11

Five years ago we were in a a MISERABLE marriage.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
Our house wasn’t a HOME,
it was a war zone.
We didn’t speak days at a time.
•We said the D word.
•All we have almost wasn’t.
•My kids could’ve not had a dad.
Recently my wife told me,
It’s better than the honeymoon! -
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
It all starts with you!
Take the LEAD.
Reject passivity.
I know everyone’s situation is unique, but here’s 17 things that worked for us & I’ve seen work for others!
Nothing is more critical than on fire homes.
I hope this helps. -
1) Prioritize your family above all else.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
This means making a CHOICE to
-work less
-watch less TV
-set boundaries with friends
Fill yourself up first.
I wake at 5am to:
-pray for my family
Then I’m ready to pour into them.
Lead yourself,
then LEAD them! -
2) We quit “watching a show” every night in bed sitting in silence.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
Watching a show is a crappy excuse 2 connect.
We cancelled:
If we watch something now,
We’re learning together.
We’re interacting!
No TV in the bedroom.
Only sleep & sex!😴🔥❤️ -
3) Five Love languages
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
-Quality time
-Physical touch
-Acts of service
-Words of affirmation
Discover what they desire & focus on that!
If his is touch & you only spend time, he won’t feel desired.
If hers is time, & you only do things for her she won’t feel filled up. -
4) Understand your partners “Stress Language!”
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
This is something I never considered until @taylorburrowes wrote a brilliant article on it!
Understand their:
-go to when they feel stressed
-how you can identify it
-how you can best support them work through it!
Game changer. 🙏 -
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
I recently tweeted
“If you keep score in a relationship or marriage you’ll both lose.”
Stop the poisonous attitude of I did all the:
You are teammates.
You are lovers.
Act like it!
End score keeping so you can both win! -
*Tip for women.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
Most of us men really want to help but don’t know how.
Give us lists!
Give us a few list items each week we can take off your plate & we love to help you.
Guys, ask her what can I take off your plate today?
The key is solid communication around this. -
6) Communication is everything!
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
We all know this.@TheShoups taught me a practical way to apply it.
Have a weekly family meeting!
Each Sunday gather the troops &:
•go over the schedule & week
•talk problems, let them be aired
•go over the family mission & talk big stuff -
7) I took extreme ownership
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
I read @jockowillink book & applied the lessons to marriage!
-She’s not doing something I like, then it’s ON ME to communicate.
-Every aspect of our relationship is on me
-0 excuses
Comes down 2 being a BOY vs being a MAN & taking ownership!
LEAD! pic.twitter.com/nkfnMgEeAA -
8) We saw a counselor & got professional help & tips from an expert.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
It was critical having a mediator that helped us break through & get out of our own way.
We got into ruts & what we now refer to as the crazy cycle.
She helped us identify & defeat them before they spiraled. -
9) Men only.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
Listen & validate don’t fix!
Our instincts when she’s sharing a struggle is:
•Get defensive
She’s often not wanting us to fix.
Its her way of connecting & sharing life.
•Listen & VALIDATE.
•Let her know you care instead of quickly responding to do this. -
10) Mandatory date Nights with no kids!
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
-Have fun together
-Men plan it out for her
At home it can get so monotonous:
-did u pack lunches
-get the laundry done
-I took the trash out etc
Every week we hire sitters and go out for a fun adult only date night to connect & grow! pic.twitter.com/7TjjJw186t -
This is the best money we spend all week.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
I often hear parents say I would do anything for my kids.
Then keep pursuing your spouse!
Model love & a growing relationship so they can see that as NORMAL.
Ferociously pursue her always like you did when first dating!🔥❤️ -
11) Men quit watching porn.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
I justified it as:
•Stress reliever
•Not a big deal
I knew deep down it was harmful to my marriage.
When your wife knows she’s the only woman you look at, fantasize about, & lust after;
Cancel PIXEL booty,
& PURSUE her booty! -
12) Connect with fun, physical activities as a family!
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
42 months now we have no TV or Netflix in our home & instead we:
✅Ride bikes
✅Plank challenges
✅Family dance contests
✅Relay races with our dog
✅Read books outside at sunset
✅Weekend getaways & exploring pic.twitter.com/N0cbKHaPZW -
13) Speak life to one another, leave notes & love letters.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
A few years ago we never built one another up.
It was nagging & complaints.
-Now, it’s our mission to try & give one another energy & show gratitude for all the other does.
-The goal is always to build them up! pic.twitter.com/9SGXVt6YWZ -
14) NEVER speak bad about your spouse in front of others.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
-Even if it’s a joke it’s off limits!
-Build them up in front of others always!
-Like you were taught,
if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.
-Kindness wins, especially in marriage! ❤️ -
15) Do some activities apart!
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
We give each other time away to refill & recharge.
A guys night out or girls weekend is always welcomed & accepted with NO GUILT!!
-We take at least a trip a year apart.
-Absence makes the heart grow fonder & we always come back recharged! pic.twitter.com/bAZEGeVRz7 -
16) “Take your family on adventures!”
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
My favorite tweet from @themanslife
I embraced that & led my family on:
-scavenger hunts
-challenging hikes
-picnics & sunset walks
-fun date nights with the wife
-Create fun & challenging adventures!
-You’ll grow closer as a unit! pic.twitter.com/ylcUvAofSX -
17) Men,
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
She needs to be your #1 always!
Think when you were first dating.
-love notes
-date her fiercely
-keep pursuing her
Even more than LOVE,
he needs your RESPECT.
Trust his judgment!
Build his ego & he will slay dragons for you!
We read this book together. -
18) Fellas, do this & you’re instantly in the 1% of husbands.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
I call this THE BIG THREE.
•Plan & take your wife on a DATE NIGHT every week!
•Take all the kids & give her a few hours a week where NO ONE NEEDS HER.
•Write a letter or send a video THANKING HER for all she does. -
Having an on fire marriage & spouse that supports you is the best.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
“They are no longer two,
but one flesh.
What God has joined, let no one separate.”
-Mathew 19:6
Thanks for reading.
Now go call your S/O & tell them how much you love them & are grateful for them! ❤️ -
If you find yourself in a ROOMMATE marriage or worse check out my website below!
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) April 6, 2023
I would love to help just like I’ve helped countless others REKINDLE that flame, have her initiate & desire you, & change your home & life!
Start here!