The Impact of De-Dollarization on Brazil's Trade
This blog examines the impact of de-dollarization on Brazil's trade, discussing the importance of the assets in which exporters want to accumulate the proceeds of their exports. It also looks at the arguments of those who deny the process of de-dollarization.

Luke Gromen
Founder & President, Forest for the Trees (FFTT). Author of "The Mr. X Interviews, Volumes I & II.” I never solicit via DM's. RT not endorsements.

"...what matters is not the currency in which Brazilian trade is denominated...What matters are the assets in which exporters want to accumulate the proceeds of their exports." -Michael Pettis
— Luke Gromen (@LukeGromen) April 14, 2023
EXACTLY! Now, consider this chart below & then Google "Brazil Central Bank buys gold" -
2/ Many arguing that "de-dollarization isn't happening" employ a strawman argument like:
— Luke Gromen (@LukeGromen) April 14, 2023
"CNY is not freely convertible", or
"China's capital account isn't open", or
"China won't run deficits to generate the debt".
These arguments miss what is happening in plain sight. -
3/ China's capital account (and therefore the CNY) is convertible on a limited basis through gold in Shanghai and HK.
— Luke Gromen (@LukeGromen) April 14, 2023
China only runs deficits in two items - commodities & semiconductors. So gold just needs to be "big enough" to settle China's net commodity deficits. -
4/ The PBOC openly noted as early as 2015 that it will use gold to internationalize the CNY, and that "the mark of an international currency is the ability to invoice for critical commodities like oil and gas."
— Luke Gromen (@LukeGromen) April 14, 2023
This just means gold needs to get a lot bigger in price. -
5/ The bigger gold gets in price, the more open China's capital account will be through gold. It is a virtuous cycle, with gold at a floating price, using only gold sourced from outside Mainland China (which cannot leave.) I.e., sourced from London or NY.
— Luke Gromen (@LukeGromen) April 14, 2023 -
6/ Bottom line - those saying "de-dollarization isn't happening" using the lens of the post-1971 framework are missing what is happening - no currency will replace the USD, but gold IS replacing USTs as primary reserve asset, and has been for almost a decade.
— Luke Gromen (@LukeGromen) April 14, 2023 -
7/ This increasingly results in less foreign demand for USTs & thereby leaves US deficits to either be slashed (unlikely), financed by US banks (happened from 2014-earlier this year), financed by US investors (can work but deflationary/depressionary), or financed by the Fed.
— Luke Gromen (@LukeGromen) April 14, 2023 -
8/ As I like to say 👇 /end
— Luke Gromen (@LukeGromen) April 14, 2023