How to Raise an Antiracist: A Father's Guide
In his latest book, How to Raise an Antiracist, author Ibram X. Kendi offers a vulnerable and personal look at how to protect children from racist messages. He explains the importance of recognizing and countering racism in order to create a better future for all.

Ibram X. Kendi
Partner • #GirlDad • Scholar @BU_Tweets • Dir @AntiracismCtr • @NationalBook Award Winner • #1 NYT Bestselling Author • MacArthur Fellow • Surviving Cancer 🐍

The paperback edition of HOW TO RAISE AN ANTIRACIST is out! In time for Father’s Day. This is without question my most vulnerable book. Hitting closer to home than any other. Let me explain. A thread 1/
— Ibram X. Kendi (@DrIbram) June 17, 2023 -
Hardly anything is more important to me as a parent and teacher, than protecting vulnerable children from racist messages—verbal and non-verbal. And we won’t be able to protect our children if we continue to believe—against all evidence to the contrary—that our kids. . . 2/
— Ibram X. Kendi (@DrIbram) June 17, 2023 -
. . .won’t ever internalize any of the racist messages polluting their environment, won’t ever connect positive and negative traits to skin colors, won’t ever subject others to or be subjected to racist bullying, won’t ever see racist posts on social media, 3/
— Ibram X. Kendi (@DrIbram) June 17, 2023 -
won’t ever become a teenager and want to be White or want to harm people of color—so we don’t ever have to talk to young people about racism and we can ban all books that do. This is wrong. 4/
— Ibram X. Kendi (@DrIbram) June 17, 2023 -
A century of scholarly research, which I document in HOW TO RAISE AN ANTIRACIST, could not be any more overwhelming. The most effective way we protect our children from racist messages is by actively providing them with *antiracist* messages. . . 5/
— Ibram X. Kendi (@DrIbram) June 17, 2023 -
. . .about the equality of different skin colors and cultures, about never judging the value of a human being by their color, about seeing rules as bad and not whole groups of people when they see racial disparities, particularly as they grow older. . . 6/
— Ibram X. Kendi (@DrIbram) June 17, 2023 -
. . .all the while preparing them to come of age and help build an antiracist society of equity and justice for all. But how? How do educators and parents do this? I needed guidance. Research-based guidance. Developmentally appropriate guidance. And I am not alone. 7/
— Ibram X. Kendi (@DrIbram) June 17, 2023 -
I know that there are countless educators, parents, and caregivers looking for guidance. Looking for ideas and insight that they can mold to their own unique situations and unique young people. That is why I wrote HOW TO RAISE AN ANTIRACIST. For me. For you. For us. 8/
— Ibram X. Kendi (@DrIbram) June 17, 2023 -
This book allowed me to reflect on my parental mistakes and those harmful days as a child when racism showed up at my schools. I am a better parent and teacher through writing this book. 9/
— Ibram X. Kendi (@DrIbram) June 17, 2023 -
We need to be better. Because the very people—our youth—who are the *most* vulnerable to racism are the very people we are the *least* likely to engage about racism. 10/
— Ibram X. Kendi (@DrIbram) June 17, 2023 -
HOW TO RAISE AN ANTIRACIST is meant to change that, meant to help us protect kids from the racist world as it is, and prepare kids to come of age and create the antiracist world as it can be.
— Ibram X. Kendi (@DrIbram) June 17, 2023
The paperback is available wherever books are sold. 11/11