The Evolving Knowledge Ecosystem
Learn about the economic pressures and greatest challenges shaping the scholarly publishing industry. Hear from experts on the purpose of scholarly publishing and the role of research content.

Elisabeth Bik
Science integrity consultant, PhD. #ImageForensics Currently without cat or blue check, but soccer-mom of godson. She/her. π³π±πΊπΈ

Good morning from Portland, OR, from the #SSP2023 @ScholarlyPub, where I will attend the plenary session "The Evolving Knowledge Ecosystem" about the economic pressures and the greatest challenges shaping the scholarly publishing industry.
— Elisabeth Bik (@MicrobiomDigest) June 1, 2023 -
This will be a panel discussion, with @rschon @IthakaSR, @amy_brand @mitpress, Gregg Gordon @ssrn, Julia Kostova @FrontiersIn, and @DrNandiQ @Clarivate #SSP2023
— Elisabeth Bik (@MicrobiomDigest) June 1, 2023 -
Roger Schonfeld @rschon will be moderating this panel, and opens the discussion with asking what the purpose of scholarly publishing is or should be. @amy_brand : we not only deliver research contents but we are really integral to the academic ecosystem.
— Elisabeth Bik (@MicrobiomDigest) June 1, 2023 -
Gregg Gordon: The evolution of knowledge and reporting it is a really good reason to get up early in the morning.
— Elisabeth Bik (@MicrobiomDigest) June 1, 2023
Julia Kostova: Validating and disseminating knowledge to the world, supporting career advancement. We need this to deal with the crises we are facing.#SSP2023 -
.@DrNandiQ: all of the above! Publishers have a big responsibility, they are custodians of science, because they not only decide what to publish, but also what not gets published.#SSP2023
— Elisabeth Bik (@MicrobiomDigest) June 1, 2023 -
RS: Publishers have taken some measures to address research fraud. What more should be done?@DrNandiQ: this is a multi-stakeholder problem, and we all three levels of actions. We need to remove incentives, we need better measures, we need to clean up the record. #SSP2023
— Elisabeth Bik (@MicrobiomDigest) June 1, 2023 -
NQ talks about how to better mark retracted articles and about marking articles as trustworthy. She also refers to a @Nature article that came out yesterday, about the fight against #PaperMills.
— Elisabeth Bik (@MicrobiomDigest) June 1, 2023 -
AB: Having more transparency about e.g. peer review is a way to add more trust to a particular article. We also need to tackle the current focus of quantity over quality.
— Elisabeth Bik (@MicrobiomDigest) June 1, 2023
GG: It is a balancing act between the timeframe we have and the effort we put into reviewing a paper#SSP2023 -
JK: As publishers we need to uphold the highest standards of quality. That means investment, training.
— Elisabeth Bik (@MicrobiomDigest) June 1, 2023
AB: I don't think we need to go to a model where everything gets published as a preprint - it would be too much to all read and interpret. #SSP2023 -
GG is a big fan of preprints - sharing ideas is great - we have to take responsibility and decide what can we trust or not.
— Elisabeth Bik (@MicrobiomDigest) June 1, 2023
AB/NQ: But people are gullible - not everyone can make a good decision of what we can trust. -
AB: We have to talk about the growing #OpenAccess business, where it is actually generating a lot of revenue for publishing companies.
— Elisabeth Bik (@MicrobiomDigest) June 1, 2023
GG: We need that revenue. The amount of money that Elsevier spends to fights paper mills would bankrupt most small publishers. #SSP2023 -
RS: Artificial Intelligence is starting a big transformation in the publishing industry. How do you see this as affecting your business?
— Elisabeth Bik (@MicrobiomDigest) June 1, 2023
GG: It will make it much harder to detect fake articles/images. Maybe one model can detect another and it will be a Whac-A-Mole of machines. -
AB: I am concerned about the effect of AI on trustworthiness and copyright.
— Elisabeth Bik (@MicrobiomDigest) June 1, 2023
JK: It is too early in the game to know how this will play out.
NQ: there has been a shift already from reading a journal cover-to-cover to reading individual articles.#SSP2023