Cognitive Biases as Hidden Superpowers
Cognitive biases are not necessarily bad. They can be used as hidden superpowers. Here are 10 best examples of cognitive biases that can be reframed as tools to be used. Planning Fallacy, Confirmation Bias, Status Quo Bias, Loss Aversion, and more.

George Mack
The 0.1% of ideas I think — or discover in rabbit holes. Get access to the best ideas I've found for free here:

What weird idea do you think is true?
— George Mack (@george__mack) April 6, 2023
Here's mine: Cognitive biases are hidden superpowers.
The 10 best examples: -
My problem with the term "Cognitive Bias":
— George Mack (@george__mack) April 6, 2023
1. It's pessimistic - It assumes humans are stupid. Actually, we're the only thing in the universe we're aware of with consciousness
2. It's low agency - It assumes cognitive biases use you. Rather than tools to be used.
Let's go... -
1. Planning Fallacy:
— George Mack (@george__mack) April 6, 2023
Your projects will take 2x the length of time you planned for. You'll always be late.
Reframed: Pick a time frame you'd be happy with. Set the deadline to be 1/2 that. If planning fallacy kicks in, you'll hit the time you were happy with. -
2. Loss Aversion:
— George Mack (@george__mack) April 6, 2023
The pain of loss is 2x the pleasure of gain.
Reframed: Bet money with friends on positive habits you want to create. Stack monetary and social pain in your favour. -
3. Hedonic Treadmill:
— George Mack (@george__mack) April 6, 2023
You will adapt to the life you dreamed of. It won't make you happy anymore.
Reframed: Visit a hospital ward. A graveyard. A homeless shelter. You will then contrast your beautiful life against it. -
4. The Spotlight Effect:
— George Mack (@george__mack) April 6, 2023
Humans are narcissistic. We overestimate how much people are paying attention to us.
Reframed: All the people you are worried about are too busy thinking about themselves to think about you. -
5. Identity Bias:
— George Mack (@george__mack) April 6, 2023
People are the victims of their identities. You will deny reality to conform to your identity.
Reframed: Identity publicly as a person with a small identity. Identity bias will cause you to live up to it. -
6. Mimetic Desire:
— George Mack (@george__mack) April 6, 2023
Your desires are not your own. You just mimic people around you.
Reframed: Hang around with people whose desires and lifestyles you want to want. -
7. Filter Bubbles:
— George Mack (@george__mack) April 6, 2023
Humans create a feedback loop between social media algorithms that limits information to their own biases.
Reframed: Like every single dog photo you. Within 48 hours, your feeds will be flooded with dogs. -
8. Reciprocity Bias:
— George Mack (@george__mack) April 6, 2023
The impulse to reciprocate actions others have done towards us.
Reframed: Give to everyone before they do. Don't ask until you've given it 5+ times. -
9. Confirmation Bias:
— George Mack (@george__mack) April 6, 2023
Humans look for evidence that supports their beliefs.
Reframe: State the opposite belief for a whole day -- only allow yourself to find evidence for the inverse. -
10. Availability Bias:
— George Mack (@george__mack) April 6, 2023
We rely on immediate examples that come to mind while making judgments.
Reframe: Design environments to make positive behaviors constantly available, and negative behaviors unavailable. -
As @rorysutherland calls this, it's psychological innovation.
— George Mack (@george__mack) April 6, 2023
You've added no new technology - you've just changed the world by changing the frame. -
Marketing 101:
— George Mack (@george__mack) April 6, 2023
You can describe the same event -- but the language used bends your perception of it:
1. Loneliness vs Solitude
2. Collateral Damage vs Civilian Death
3. Cognitive Bias vs Cognitive Superpower -
PS. If you enjoyed this, then you should join 25K+ people in my Clouds & Dirt newsletter.
— George Mack (@george__mack) April 6, 2023
Clouds = Theory / Big Questions
Dirt = Technology / Tactics -
🚔 Nuance Police:
— George Mack (@george__mack) April 6, 2023
I do think cognitive biases are real.
It's just they need a counterbalance.
In the same way "loneliness" needs "solitude".
Without cognitive superpowers, humans are always slaves to cognitive biases - never their masters.