The Child Whose Treatment Was Covered in The Free Press Speaks Out
Alex, the child whose treatment at the Washington University Transgender Clinic was just covered in The Free Press by Bari Weiss and Emily Yoffe, has spoken out against the article. Alex claims the article was published without their input or consent, only their mother's.

Benjamin Ryan
🔬Health & science reporter | Contributor to: @NYTimes @NBCNews @Guardian @TRF | Other bylines: @WashingtonPost @TheAtlantic | Cancer Survivor | Columbia grad

The child whose treatment at the Washington University Transgender Clinic was just covered in @BariWeiss' The Free Press by @EmilyYoffe, excoriates the article. Alex--the child's real name--says the article was published without their input or consent, only their mother's.
— Benjamin Ryan (@benryanwriter) April 4, 2023 -
— Benjamin Ryan (@benryanwriter) April 4, 2023
"Casey" (real name Alex) tweeted: "When I read the draft I was disgusted with what the reporter and my mom had made my experience out to be. Upon interviewing @EmilyYoffe myself I was told that I had no say in whether or not the article was published. I asked if my consent was…
— Benjamin Ryan (@benryanwriter) April 4, 2023 -
The Free Press also appears to consistently misgender "Casey", whose pronouns in their Twitter bio are she/they, referring to the child as he/him throughout. @SleepyOktobur
— Benjamin Ryan (@benryanwriter) April 4, 2023 -
Alex, the child called "Casey" in the @BariWeiss article about the Wash U gender clinic, has it out with their mother over the pair's mother/child disagreement over the article.
— Benjamin Ryan (@benryanwriter) April 5, 2023 -
Alex's ("Casey") mother tells her side of the dispute over the publication of the article in @BariWeiss' The Free Press:
— Benjamin Ryan (@benryanwriter) April 5, 2023 -
Alex, known as "Casey" in the @BariWeiss Free Press article about their experience receiving gender care at Wash U, has asked people to leave their mother alone.
— Benjamin Ryan (@benryanwriter) April 5, 2023