Building an Audience Through Kindness and Positivity
This blog post explores the idea that an audience can be built through promoting kindness, positivity, love, and encouragement rather than negativity and hostility.

Tyler Todt
Husband | #1 dad | Fitness Health Habits | Winning one day at a time | Love building others up, let’s all win! | Jeremiah 29:11

Yesterday @ZubyMusic tweeted,
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) March 28, 2023
“You can build an audience by promoting and provoking negativity, hostility, and crappy behaviour.
But then you’re stuck with an audience that thrives on negativity, hostility, and crappy behaviour.”
The opposite is also true!
Let me explain. -
You can build an audience by promoting KINDNESS, POSITIVITY LOVE, & ENCOURAGEMENT.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) March 28, 2023
Then you GET TO reap the benefits of an audience that thrives on these!
It’s quite simple to JUST add followers.
Complain about Trump, Biden etc.
& people will follow.
Misery loves company. -
I see many on both sides doing this.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) March 28, 2023
But imagine waking up to 100 negative comments.
Constantly filling your mind with that poison.
It’s why I’ve followed @ZubyMusic & others examples early on & not only tried to gain followers, but instead build a POSITIVE COMMUNITY! -
Here’s a few examples over the last couple months of my teammates on Twitter!
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) March 28, 2023
My man @RZ_3_ bought two laptops currently being used by college students in South Africa.
My wife, @_Chosen_Leader_ & his family delivered them.
He’s now sent a new camera for another entrepreneur… -
Before my mission trip last month a follower randomly sent $25 & said praying for your trip, you’ll know when to use this.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) March 28, 2023
We drove by these guys each day.
They stood out there selling fruits for 12 hours in hopes to make a few bucks.
It’s 80% unemployment where we were. -
So one day I hopped out & told them keep their fruit here’s $20 bucks each!
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) March 28, 2023
After that a few people that I told on Twitter said let’s do more.
We ended up stopping at 6-7 fruit stands & doing the same!
It was so cool seeing the smiles & joy it brought! -
My great friend @AHandyGingerGal mailed my family 15 board games & wouldn’t accept any money.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) March 28, 2023
My wife, daughter & I play those games 4-5 times a week! ❤️
I met a man sleeping in his car, Ricky, several months ago.
We raised $1,800 & bought him an apartment for a few months! -
I could give dozens of more examples.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) March 28, 2023
Here’s the big takeaway.
When people complain twitter is toxic it’s an inditement on them!
Life also works the same way.
Life is a mirror & often PROJECTS BACK WHAT YOU PUT OUT.
Go be kind to others & most often you’ll get kindness back. -
This applies to a lot of life.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) March 28, 2023
Husbands will complain their wives are negative, nagging & never initiate sex.
He also hasn’t taken her on a date without the kids in 10 years, constantly complains to her & so she PROJECTS back that same energy to him. -
It’s why if you want to CHANGE THE WORLD then always start by CHANGING YOURSELF.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) March 28, 2023
5 years ago I thought the world was falling apart.
I consumed news (propaganda) & engaged in negativity online.
I’m thankful @ZubyMusic @zachhomol_ @ryanstephens & others showed me a better path. -
So today I urge you to pause a moment.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) March 28, 2023
What kind of energy & what attitude are you bringing everyday in real life & online?
If your work environment is always toxic how ARE YOU changing yourself to combat that?
If your social media feed is toxic WHY ARE YOU ALLOWING THAT? -
If your neighborhood seems unfriendly then go first & change it!
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) March 28, 2023
When we approach life this way we are no longer passengers but are now IN CONTROL to shape & create our future.
I give a practical example of this in my pinned tweet & I’m selling nothing so check it out. -
Thanks for reading, following along & being a part of the solution to change the world with me!
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) March 28, 2023
One smile, one kind word, one donation, one compliment can change someone’s day & also better yours!
Be the change with me,
Bless up & go have the best day of your life! 🙏❤️