The Best Lesson My Dad Ever Taught Me
My dad is an incredibly smart man, but never moved up in his company. Here's the best lesson he ever taught me - how he gave up drinking for good and met Jesus at 24.

Tyler Todt
Husband | #1 dad | Fitness Health Habits | Winning one day at a time | Love building others up, let’s all win! | Jeremiah 29:11

My dads an incredibly smart man.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) June 27, 2023
•Great leader
•Can fix anything
•Socially strong & networks well
•Read a book a week for 30 years
He NEVER moved up in his company.
I asked him WHY & the answer he gave me brought me to tears.
Here’s the best lesson my dad ever taught me. -
He told me at 25 he gave up drinking for good.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) June 27, 2023
His dad was a war hero but had a drinking problem & he was on the same path until he met Jesus at 24 & I was born :)
He didn’t go to college.
He married my mom at 18 to escape childhood & at 18.5 they were pregnant with my sister. -
He had to grow up fast & took a job at an auto parts store at 18.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) June 27, 2023
He was quickly promoted & promoted again to assistant manager by 20.
At 23 he was promoted to manager & running his entire shop!
The money was good,
but the hours weren’t.
60 + hours a week & never home. -
His mentor, a man named Bill Miller, & a manager of a bigger store was stepping down after 40 years of service.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) June 27, 2023
My dad went to congratulate him afterward & what Bill told him changed my dads life & ultimately mine forever.
He pulled my dad aside and said, -
Garry it’s not worth it.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) June 27, 2023
I’m an old man now.
I gave everything to this company.
I missed my sons baseball games,
my daughters dance recitals.
After 40 years I got this F*cken watch.
He threw it away.
I wish I could go back & NOT work so much.
My kids are grown & moved away. -
My dad remained friends with Bill & the next year decided to step down as manager.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) June 27, 2023
He went on to work as a parts guy 5 days a week from 7:30-3:30.
The thing I always recall first about my childhood is my dad was always home & always there on weekends playing & coaching! -
Truthfully, this decision cost our family money.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) June 27, 2023
We grew up on the bottom cusp of lower middle class.
But looking back,
My childhood was the greatest!
I never had the newest anything.
We didn’t dine at fancy places or take extravagant vacations.
He worked as a parts guy for Ford & another couple companies over the next 40 years until retiring last year.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) June 27, 2023
He also:
-Coached all my sisters teams
-Made every dance recital of hers
-Coached me in: ⚾️ 🏀 ⚽️ 🏃🏈
To this day his nickname among my friends is:
He also ran 12 full marathons.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) June 27, 2023
Got my mom into running & working out & they did a marathon together!
He volunteered for our town 26 years in a row & built a gym there that is used by hundreds now.
He still coaches & mentors youth today in that gym.
This is him recently. -
I reflect back on what my childhood would’ve been like if my dad did the “normal” thing.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) June 27, 2023
If he prioritized WORK & MONEY over FAMILY & HEALTH like a lot of men do.
I’m grateful he decided NOT to be “normal” & climb that company ladder.
I’m glad he was home!
Now that I’m a father of 3 I’ve made similar choices.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) June 27, 2023
I was promoted many times in corporate banking & found myself making great money with great incentives.
Those incentives came at too high a cost for me tho.
2 years ago I told my boss I’m quitting corporate to be home more. -
I worked 2.5 days a week as an entry level employee instead of running a staff & branch.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) June 27, 2023
I was 37.
My boss was flabbergasted,
“Once you go down you never come back up he warned!”
I did this many months until I grew my side business & was able to quit completely 22 months ago! -
I called my dad to tell him,
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) June 27, 2023
Thanks dad,
I love you & I’m going to honor your legacy & continue to pour into what matters just the way you taught me!
I’m going to coach all my kids games just like you!
I’m going to lead my family on adventures & pour in daily just like you! -
I know my path isn’t for all.
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) June 27, 2023
I also know the role of a man is:
I take all of those very seriously.
We have systems in place & for over 8 years we built income streams, passive income & live far below our means. -
We got super intentional & decided
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) June 27, 2023
Less stuff
-new cars
-fancy watch
-vacation home
-designer clothes
Weren’t worth me working a job I didn’t love for the next 25 years & being gone 50hours/week.
I’d rather live frugally & be around the people I love doing things I love more. -
Perhaps my kids will grow up & follow a similar path or perhaps my daughter will grow up & be the first female President :)
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) June 27, 2023
Either way I’ll support their dreams & I’ll be there each step of the way to cheer them on, support them & love them!
Most important to me,
So again,
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) June 27, 2023
I don’t challenge anyone that loves their work & works 80 hours a week that my way is better.
We all make choices that we think is BEST FOR US.
My one final thought to you would be:
Pause a bit.
Get off autopilot.
If you do work a job you don’t love, -
Look around,
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) June 27, 2023
Is the stuff worth it?
Ask yourself WHY you keep going day in & day out?
Can you set a plan in motion to get out?
My dads friend Bill Miller once said he would give anything to go back & get TIME with his kids.
TIME is the one thing we never get back. -
I’ll forever be grateful my father,
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) June 27, 2023
Paused a bit & decided he wanted to be PRESENT more than just give us PRESENTS.
I sincerely hope you do the same & whatever conclusion you come to you go full steam at it & live your best life too!
Cheers & have a blessed day. -
Thanks for reading:
— Tyler Todt (@tyromper) June 27, 2023
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The biggest lessons my father, THE LEGEND taught me on life.