Beating the Afternoon Slump: 6 Tips to Increase Productivity and Energy
Most people lose 2-3 hours daily to the afternoon slump. Learn how to reclaim 14+ hours weekly of high energy. Boost productivity, deepen relationships, and get in the best shape of your life with these 6 tips. Follow Japan's 80% Rule, use a standing desk, and more.

Ben Meer
Personal Development 2.0. I write about systems and high-performance living ⚡ Cornell MBA • NASM Trainer

How to beat the afternoon slump.
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) June 22, 2023
Follow Japan’s 80% Rule: -
Most people lose 2-3 hours daily to the afternoon slump.
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) June 22, 2023
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Imagine you reclaiming 14+ hours weekly of high energy.
You could:
• Boost productivity
• Deepen relationships
• Get in the best shape of your life
6 tips to beat the slump… -
1) Follow Japan's 80% Rule
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) June 22, 2023
"Eat until you're only 80% full."
Overeating makes the body divert blood & energy to digestion (causing drowsiness).
Nobody has time for a food coma.
So, at lunch:
- Prioritize nutritious foods
- Eat slowly to calibrate fullness
- Stop eating at 80% -
2) Stay Hydrated
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) June 22, 2023
Your brain is 73% water.
Dehydration impairs decision-making and causes low energy.
Get your brain the water it deserves:
• Drink 0.5-1 fl oz per lb of bodyweight
• Carry a water flask everywhere you go
Hydrate, think clearly, keep that energy. -
3) Use a Standing Desk
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) June 22, 2023
Our ancestors used to hunt mammoths.
Now we sit at desks for 8 hours every day.
Then we watch TV for another 3 hours (on average).
Humans aren’t built for this… -
87% of those using a standing desk report increased energy.
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) June 22, 2023
Simply, we’re wired to be alert when standing.
I use Fully Jarvis, but there are cheaper options (including desktop conversions).
Get a standing desk, take walking meetings, move your body daily. -
4) Optimize Your Work Environment
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) June 22, 2023
Activate your 5 senses:
👂: Listen to Hans Zimmer
👁️: Hide bad triggers (phone)
👃: Use an aromatherapy diffuser (peppermint & lemon promote focus)
👋: Set a cool room temp for alertness (69-72°)
👅: Hydrate; stock healthy snacks -
5) Set a Pomodoro Timer
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) June 22, 2023
Recenter your focus after lunch with a Pomodoro timer.
I like Focus To-Do, a Chrome extension.
Set a timer in the app for 25 mins on, 5 mins off.
25 mins of pure focus is science-backed:
It's cognitively challenging but feels attainable. -
6) Power Nap (Optional)
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) June 22, 2023
Einstein. Thatcher. da Vinci.
All famous nappers.
If you work from home,
Take a midday power nap.
You’ll get two days of energy in one. -
Effective napping is two-fold:
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) June 22, 2023
• Length: Naps >30 mins might put you in REM, inducing sleep inertia (grogginess)
• Time of day: Napping past 3pm often hurts evening sleep (prioritize 7+ hours nightly).
Find your sweet spot of length and time. -
TL;DR Beat the Afternoon Slump:
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) June 22, 2023
• Follow the 80% Eating Rule
• Stay hydrated
• Use a standing desk
• Activate your 5 senses
• Set a Pomodoro timer
• Take a 20-min power nap (optional)
Keep that energy. -
Thanks for reading! If you learned something here, please share it so more people can know about this.
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) June 22, 2023