"This week I circle around to feature an #artist and polymath who hardly anyone in #numismatics had heard of until a #study." via Coin Update https://t.co/Rx7jpGrTtH
— American Numismatic (@ANACoins) June 18, 2023 -
In the latest NGC Weekly Market Report, former ANA President Jeff Garrett explores the importance of pedigree. Links to shipwrecks, hoards and famous numismatists grab the attention (and imagination) of collectors. Get the latest NGC Weekly Market Report: https://t.co/jfPTRAEfaT pic.twitter.com/xSeDyV1eCq
— NGC (@NGCcoin) June 17, 2023 -
Numismatics, the study of money and the #collecting of such items, is not one of life's necessities. Taking up the #hobby is not normally done out of a profit-seeking move. What is it about #numismatics that makes it #fun & enjoyable? via Numismatic News https://t.co/SMYAAddP0E
— American Numismatic (@ANACoins) June 17, 2023 -
#HERITAGELIVE #PorfirioSalinas was one of the first Mexican-American artists to gain national fame, and we are thrilled to have his pieces featured in today's Signature Event. Salinas' Bluebonnets and Live Oak Tree just sold for $47,500. https://t.co/mmErS5FjzE pic.twitter.com/fbkAETK6x2
— Heritage Auctions (@HeritageAuction) June 17, 2023 -
#HERITAGELIVE East Texas native #JamesSurls is among the most acclaimed #Texas artists of the late 20th century. His piece, On the Water with Six Flowers, is a classic example of one of Surls' most popular subjects and sold for $40,000, well over estimate! https://t.co/x8oAYZc64p pic.twitter.com/qoqU4MKNwY
— Heritage Auctions (@HeritageAuction) June 17, 2023