The Value of Difference in Research Ideas
Every idea has stemmed from experiences in the world, and there is value in difference. Don't let people dismiss 'me-search' or the idea that diversity matters. Learn more about how research ideas focused on the social and political lives of white people can be informed by the experiences of Black people.

Hakeem Jefferson
Assistant prof @Stanford political science. I think about identity, stigma, race, and politics more than any normal person should. Lover of life. Pro-democracy.
Every idea I’ve had has stemmed from my experiences in the world as a Black person—even research ideas focused on the social & political lives of white people.
— Hakeem Jefferson (@hakeemjefferson) March 9, 2023
The point? Don’t let people shit on “me-search” or on the idea that diversity matters. There’s value in difference. 🧵 -
For example, my latest paper highlighting the fact that the liberal-conservative scale lacks validity among black people came about after realizing long ago that the measure didn’t explain variation in policy attitudes for black respondents.
— Hakeem Jefferson (@hakeemjefferson) March 9, 2023 -
My immediate thought was, “I’ve legit never heard a Black person in my life use the words ‘liberal’ or ‘conservative.’” This was early in grad school. So, I called up various family members and asked them two questions. I remember my call with my aunt vividly.
— Hakeem Jefferson (@hakeemjefferson) March 9, 2023 -
I asked her the standard partisanship question. She responded quickly that she was a Democrat. I asked her the standard liberal-conservative ideology question. Her reply stuck with me, “Now, you gonna have to help me with that one.”
— Hakeem Jefferson (@hakeemjefferson) March 9, 2023 -
Lots of signals that one should toss away their personal experiences and background in service of being a “good scientist.” That’s bullshit. You can’t be a good or very useful social scientist if you aren’t attuned to the reality of people’s social and political lives.
— Hakeem Jefferson (@hakeemjefferson) March 9, 2023 -
I guess the bottom line is that there is real benefit to difference that I wish the academy valued as much as it says it does. Investing in difference isn’t just the morally right thing to do. It’s the smart thing to do. You get different questions and often different answers.
— Hakeem Jefferson (@hakeemjefferson) March 9, 2023