Success is Contagious: Learning from 9-Figure Mentors
What can you learn from 9-figure mentors? That success is contagious, and that you need to shed the 'bullshit' to be truly big. An inside peek at the advice of my confidants.

Codie Sanchez
Investing millions in boring businesses & sharing what I learn. On a mission to create 1M financially free humans | My bio, not my tombstone, I hope it changes
You need three types of mentors:
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) June 24, 2023
• Up-and-comer with hustle. Youth leads.
• Same-level player. Learn together.
• A billionaire to your millionaire...
5 hard lessons from my 9-figure mentors: -
There is a truth:
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) June 24, 2023
If you want to be rich, hang out with the rich.
It turns out success is contagious.
An inside peek at the advice of my confidants: -
1. Thinking small: Bill Perkins
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) June 24, 2023
I sat overlooking the lake at his $50M+ compound.
He cuts right to the chase:
"You've invested in small businesses so long, small has infected your thinking." -
I took a deep breath. He’s right.
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) June 24, 2023
“You need to shed the bullshit, or you’ll never be truly big.”
Ugh. That hurts.
The biggest life hack isn’t a tactic or a tool. It’s a way of thinking.
Small thinking will kill you the fastest. -
2. Who not how: Leila Hormozi
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) June 24, 2023
I was drowning & she was throwing a lifeline.
A point comes for every CEO: You want to either jump off a cliff, have a good cry, sell the biz, or fire everyone.
It’s because of one issue no one ever tells you when you start – your people. -
But Leila is a master at people.
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) June 24, 2023
She said a line that freed me:
“You don’t have a business, you have a job. Until you hire right, your business owns you not the other way around.”
You don’t have a how problem, you have a who problem. Solve that and you solve everything. -
3. CEE Frame: Chris Petkas
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) June 24, 2023
Chris taught me a framework he learned as a Navy SEAL.
It's changed the way I manage my businesses.
Because it turns out... you need to teach your people how to prioritize.
So he taught me this: -
The CEE Frame:
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) June 24, 2023
When people want more resources...
Always ask,
"Is this critical, essential, or enhancing?"
• Critical = We can't move until it's fixed
• Essential = We can limp along w/o it
• Enhancing = It will supercharge us -
4. Nonconformity: Alex Duran
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) June 24, 2023
He manages a multi-billion $ hedge fund. He's my # 1 mentor, who doesn't even know he is.
One night I candidly asked how he made his fortune... His response surprised me:
"I train my brain to perform one task incredibly well… to never conform.” -
He explained it like this...
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) June 24, 2023
The Funnel to Nonconformity:
+ Be a funnel for ideas
+ Ideas fight on merit, not emotion
+ Find courage to act in nonconformity
= Opportunities others never see, or are too scared to act upon -
5. No one cares: Andrew Wilkinson
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) June 24, 2023
He had just taken his company public.
$850M CAD valuation. Oof.
So when he came to Austin, I had to sit down with this internet friend IRL and see what I could learn.
It quickly became a therapy session where I told him all my fears... -
I asked him, “How do you get comfortable with failing publicly? What if your bets don’t work?”
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) June 24, 2023
His response:
“No no one ultimately cares about you. No one will remember you. You are the only person who sees you in the mirror.”
Poignant AF. -
You're never too good to have mentors.
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) June 24, 2023
Follow @Codie_Sanchez for more like this, and RT here if you want to share: -
I write snippets like this in my newsletter from time to time.
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) June 24, 2023
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