Scaling a Law Firm with Simple Software
Learn how a law firm with only 2 employees scaled to 80 attorneys and regularly settles cases for $20-$30 million. Find out how a simple change in their software helped them scale and succeed.

Codie Sanchez
Investing millions in boring businesses & sharing what I learn. On a mission to create 1M financially free humans | My bio, not my tombstone, I hope it changes
This law firm started with 2 employees: an attorney & assistant.
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) March 28, 2023
Now it regularly settles cases for $20-$30million with its 80 attorneys.
Here’s their story (& the simple software that helped them scale): -
In 2005, they took whatever cases they could get.
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) March 28, 2023
A 2-person team can only take on so much, and they weren’t seeing many high-value settlements.
Then they made one change that kickstarted their growth… -
Before, they'd take inbound leads from 9 to 5, Monday thru Friday.
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) March 28, 2023
Not exactly ideal.
Especially for an employment lawyer (whose leads can be busy, you know, being employed from 9-5 M-F)
So they made a simple change. -
They hired a service that provides 24/7 instant-response live chat on their website.
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) March 28, 2023
This enabled them to capture their most valuable leads:
Pissed off people browsing the internet at night, trying to figure out how to sue their employer. -
The firm steadily built up steam, until several years ago when their first HUGE case came through the chat team:
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) March 28, 2023
It resulted in an $8million settlement, of which the lawyers got 30%.
That income alone would be enough to pay for the live chat services for 100+ years. -
Today, this chat service:
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) March 28, 2023
• Fields ~200 inbound leads per month via email, phone, & web
• Captures their biggest cases (which often roll in “after-hours”)
• Allows them to be much pickier about the cases their ~80-attorney firm takes on -
Now, the firm is mostly doing government whistleblower cases.
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) March 28, 2023
Settlements in the $20-30M range.
All because of a little old chat service. -
This 24/7 chat company obviously does what they do extremely well.
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) March 28, 2023
But oddly enough:
• It’s an old biz
• The owner was losing his zest for it
• Its online presence left a lot to be desired -
...So I snatched it up, and we’re turning it around.
— Codie Sanchez (@Codie_Sanchez) March 28, 2023
It’s called @Approachment_ for the curious.