A Role-Playing Game Gone Wrong
A blog discussing a role-playing game gone wrong. A teacher led an adventure to help a kid rescue their pet monster, and the kid latched onto the 14-year-old's character. The 14-year-old tried to adopt the kid, but was confused and upset when the teacher wouldn't let them despite rolling a nat 20.

tabletop games + app games + pie + AsAm Adoptee + She/Her = ruining games one tweet at a time. hates puns - but in a fun way. @SaltNSassGames. personal acct.
My 14yo just told me a story about D&D she played at school and I'm... appalled.
— 🥧 SUZANNE 🥧 (@425suzanne) April 4, 2023
Teacher led the adventure to help a kid rescue their pet monster (a Nessie like animal.) Kid (NPC) latches onto my 14yo's character somehow. 14yo tries to adopt the kid... -
GM says "no." Ok. I get that for a variety of reasons. 14yo tries to take the kid on the adventure as a friend instead... GM says "no" and KILLS THE KID BY HAVING THE KID'S PET EAT IT to get my 14yo to let it go. And it was legit upsetting my my 14yo. DUHHHHH!!!
— 🥧 SUZANNE 🥧 (@425suzanne) April 4, 2023 -
Flash forward (it was a multi-week campaign) - the group encounters a baby goat being held by the encounter's bad guy. 14yo tries to wheedle the goat away from baddie. GM says roll charisma. 14you rolls a nat 20 (and 14yo has +3). GM says "sorry I can't let you have it."
— 🥧 SUZANNE 🥧 (@425suzanne) April 4, 2023 -
My 14yo is confused and upset. "Like - why have me roll if you were never going to let me get it? I got a nat 20!"
— 🥧 SUZANNE 🥧 (@425suzanne) April 4, 2023
I 💙TTRPGs in school - but holy heck not if they're run like that.
Besides it being unfun, demoralizing, and ethically questionable (killing a child?!)... -
They are not even teaching the game! A Nat 20 should never have failed. Find a workaround you dingus. Or don't call for the roll. What a moldy washcloth of a GM.
— 🥧 SUZANNE 🥧 (@425suzanne) April 4, 2023
Apparently this happened a few weeks ago but I just heard about it today.
Email has already been sent to the GM. -
Sorry teach - betcha didn't know my kid has a giant fucking gamer for a parent who does not let shit like that go unaddressed. And I'm livid - not just for my kiddo but the other children (THEY'RE CHILDREN) in that game.
— 🥧 SUZANNE 🥧 (@425suzanne) April 4, 2023