Reindustrialising the EU
This blog examines the importance of industry policy in the current discussion and the challenges of decarbonising Europe. It also looks at the potential of renewable hydrogen and the REPowerEU initiative to increase EU resilience.

Hydrogen Europe
The leading industry association, with 400+ members, propelling global #carbonneutrality by accelerating the European #hydrogen industry.

Hartmuth, Deputy Dir #Bavaria Rep welcoming attendees to “Using the opportunity to reindustrialise EU”: We host this event bc industry policy is at the core of the current discussion and for good reason. Only together can we meet enormous challenges of decarbonising #Europe
— Hydrogen Europe (@H2Europe) March 7, 2023 -
We have to admit all techs will be needed, we will definitely need #hydrogen. Long term strategy should focus on #renewablehydrogen which will make us independent from foreign fuels and I welcome #REPowerEU which will give us a step towards EU resilience
— Hydrogen Europe (@H2Europe) March 7, 2023
- MEP @IsmailErtug -
We should overcome this black and white mindset - #fuelcells and #batteries should be seen together. We have to stop being blocked by ideological debates, we are just at the tip of the iceberg of the changes #hydrogen can bring.
— Hydrogen Europe (@H2Europe) March 7, 2023
- @Chatzimarkakis -
MEP @IsmailErtug kicking off panel debat on global positioning of EU #H2 mobility & importance of #NetZero Industry Act 4 EU automotive industry w/
— Hydrogen Europe (@H2Europe) March 7, 2023
➡️ MEP @MarkusFerber
➡️ H. Müller, @VDA_online
➡️ S. Zurkiewicz, @DEKRA_Konzern
➡️ @pefranc, @Hy24partners
➡️ J. Guldner, @BMWGroup -
Müller, President, @VDA_online: we need urgently right framework. German automotive industry committed to climate protection w/ €220bn invested in R&D. #Hydrogen great opportunity, not just for trucks but fantastic ideas for companies cars as biggest impact will be in fleets
— Hydrogen Europe (@H2Europe) March 7, 2023 -
Guldner, @BMWGroup: We’re committed to the #ParisAgreement and external observers say we are on the right track. For us, #fuelcell is 2nd leg on which to walk in this transition. BEV nice but doesn’t fit all mobility needs so need both. All eggs in 1 basket not the right approach
— Hydrogen Europe (@H2Europe) March 7, 2023 -
Zurkiewicz, CEO @DEKRA_Konzern: Reg framework & standards critically imp. Consumers justifiably concerned as to safety + quality of vehicles. As we are transitioning from #H2 used in industrial environments towards direct interaction w/ public, we’ve to instil trust & confidence
— Hydrogen Europe (@H2Europe) March 7, 2023 -
.@pefranc, @Hy24partners: We need to do things locally. If you don’t give value to users of EU market, then what is our value compared to US? Need to get #AFIR enacted and get EU deploying right type of PPPs + support schemes so that we can deploy the money.
— Hydrogen Europe (@H2Europe) March 7, 2023 -
MEP @MarkusFerber: Must be aware how US attracts #investment and what does it say for us. What we have is the sum of existing proposals but what we need is less bureaucracy and more acceptance that we are in a transition period.
— Hydrogen Europe (@H2Europe) March 7, 2023 -
Concluding the event a fireside chat on how can #renewables contribute to EU supply chain resilience & sustainable economic prosperity moderate by @SandraParthie, Head of Bxl Office/EU Policy, @iw_koeln w/ Vandenberghe, DG, @EUClimateAction and Hedegaard, CEO, @topsoe_official.
— Hydrogen Europe (@H2Europe) March 7, 2023 -
A fee last remarks
— Hydrogen Europe (@H2Europe) March 7, 2023
Hedegaard @topsoe_official: “Wind wasn’t price competitive 25 years ago but it is now, this will happen for #hydrogen too, it will become competitive “
Vanderberghe @EUClimateAction: “There is no way back to a fossil economy…otherwise we will be fossilised”