The New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Named a Hope Spot
The New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary has been named a Hope Spot! Learn about the recovery of this region and the dedication and protection that has made it possible. Plus, watch a video about the Hope Spot edited by Sean Molloy.

Mission Blue
Mission Blue inspires action to explore and protect the ocean! @SylviaEarle #HopeSpots

We're thrilled to announce that the New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary has been named a Hope Spot!
— Mission Blue (@MissionBlue) April 18, 2023
Video edited by Sean Molloy, footage provided by @CutCanvas, @BillionOyster, @harborestuary, photos by @TheWCS, Don Riepe/American Littoral Society, @harborestuary & Tyler Tierney -
This Hope Spot is located in the largest metropolitan region in the United States, and the continued recovery of this region demonstrates what people can achieve for humans and nature with dedication and protection.
— Mission Blue (@MissionBlue) April 18, 2023 -
After the quality of the water reached its lowest point in the 1960s, New York State voters passed the Pure Waters Bond Act in 1965.
— Mission Blue (@MissionBlue) April 18, 2023
Photo by @TheWCS -
This movement was continued with the federal Clean Water Act of 1972, when several public & private NGOs & agencies began focusing on its recovery & pushed improved regulations & enforcement, coastal land use policies, public access, research & education.
— Mission Blue (@MissionBlue) April 18, 2023
Photo by Tyler Tierney -
In the time since then, water quality & biodiversity improved. Oysters, which disappeared over 100 years ago due to overharvesting & pollution are now actively being restored around the estuary.
— Mission Blue (@MissionBlue) April 18, 2023
Photo by Melissa Rex, The River Project -
Learn more about this new Hope Spot in Ocean Stories:
— Mission Blue (@MissionBlue) April 18, 2023
Hope Spot Champions: Dr. Judith S. Weis, Professor Emerita at @RutgersU @Rutgers_Newark and Rob Pirani, Program Director, @harborestuary -
Hope Spot Partners: @OurWaterfront @HRiverkeeper @riverkeeper @NYNJBaykeeper @BillionOyster @libertyparknj @swimcoalition @MRRI_nj @CafeteriaCu
— Mission Blue (@MissionBlue) April 18, 2023
Photo by @AudubonNY