My 16 Biggest Life Mistakes
Learn from the mistakes of others with this thread of 16 biggest life mistakes. Discover how to make friends, listen to people, and make the most of your life. Avoid common pitfalls and reach your goals!

Michael Girdley
I share 25 years of direct business knowledge and life advice. $100M (and counting) HoldCo owner. Fireworks, software, school + 9 others.
Here are my 16 biggest life mistakes.
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
I am 48 years old.
I still feel young, but old enough to have real regrets.
A thread: -
** Betraying a great boss.
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
An early boss was a great guy.
He gave me a ton of opportunities and faith.
After a few years, I left his group.
Another colleague took over my role. -
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
That colleague asked me for salary negotiation advice.
I gave him info I shouldn’t have.
I apologized eventually, but I’ve never stopped kicking myself.
Loyalty matters. I blew it. -
** Letting my appearance go.
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
In 2003, I interviewed with a career-making investment firm.
I learned one of the reasons they passed was I had let my weight get away from me.
(cont'd) -
My unhealthy appearance messaged that I lacked drive, self-awareness, and self-discipline.
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
Maybe I was that person at the time.
I don't know.
Whether right or wrong -- they got my attention. -
** Living the life other people wanted me to live/being a wimp
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
In 2009, I was pretty miserable being an SMB CEO.
By then, I had realized I needed to be doing more of what I do now -- creating ventures and helping them from a board/investor role. -
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
But, I was stuck in a role that was a grind-it-out, worry-about-details CEO job without a ton of creativity in the position.
It took me years to get past that and find the courage to do what I was put on earth to do — no matter what I felt others expected of me. -
** Not goal setting.
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
Up until 2011, I resisted setting big goals.
Good life goals are quantifiable and challenging.
I was so scared to fail that I just refused to set them.
Looking back on those years, I could have gone further had I been less stubborn. -
** Eating at Applebee's.
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
OK, this one was too easy.
I went there once.
Never again.
(Sorry, @chilis. I’ll never betray you again.) -
** Getting serious too soon
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
Leaving college in 1997, I regret not playing more before "adulting."
Of course, that’s easy to say now, 25 years later.
But that time from 22-25 is time I could and should have spent out having crazy adventures. -
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
I regret being too focused on my career at that time.
Since I would become an entrepreneur, delaying the job wouldn’t have cost me anything.
I think kids often try to “grow up” too early.
But I also understand the pressure they’re under. -
** Not finding and sticking to a “rabbi.”
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
In 1999, I interviewed for a high-powered chief of staff job with a pretty baller entrepreneur early in my career.
When asked what I wanted in salary, I made a ridiculously high request. -
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
In retrospect, I should have said I’d work for free or even paid them to work in that role.
What I would have learned would have been worth 10x what I asked for in salary.
Dumb. -
** Not continually learning.
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
I’m ashamed to admit that I read voraciously until about age 25.
I then went through a 10-year period where I wasn’t reading, learning, and searching for ways to improve myself through learning.
I don’t have a good explanation for it. -
It cost me nearly a decade of suboptimal performance.
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
I was just cocky and stupid.
(Not cured, but I think I’m less cocky and stupid!) -
** Not stretching.
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
As I mentioned, I went through a decade from 1999-2009 where I let myself go, and my youthful flexibility declined.
I regret not spending 15 minutes a day limbering up.
It would have saved me a ton of knee/back/ankle pain I suffer now. -
** Starting a dumpster fire.
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
In 2006, I was CEO of our family business.
I got the great idea that we could save money by burning a bunch of excess cardboard inside of our dumpster.
We set it on fire. -
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
The thing burned for 3 days.
Melted the dumpster.
We had to pay for a new one.
It wasn’t so bright. I should have listened to our people.
I'm sure I wasn’t listening on many other items, either. -
** Not using activities as a way to make friends.
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
Leaving college in 1997, I expected to make friends in the adult world as quickly as I did in college.
It’s easy to make friends when dumped in a dorm with 50 other 18-year-olds without attachments. -
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
Well, the real world doesn’t work that way.
You make friends over shared interests and activities.
I regret not figuring this out for the longest time. -
** Not running away from a bad boss.
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
I moved from under a great boss to a terrible one in my corporate career.
This person would badmouth/blame me when s/he underperformed.
It was so common that I would hear about it from others. -
On the positive side, I learned from this boss what not to do.
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
On the negative side, a boss like that can stall your corporate career instantly.
I regret not quitting on this boss the first time I learned s/he didn't have my back. -
** Having a "what could go wrong" mindset with many things, including crypto.
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
I regret having the wrong mindset about new technologies too often.
It should be “what could go right?”
I heard about BTC 10 years ago.
I stupidly dismissed it. -
** Building homogenous teams
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
In my 30s, I didn't understand that everyone is wired differently.
I would get annoyed by detailed people.
Because I like to talk to idea people.
So, I'd build teams that had lots of ideas but got nothing done. -
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
I'm 48.
I have a ton of regrets and mistakes that I've made.
Thanks for listening.
This was one of the most challenging posts I've written on here.
I hope it helps some folks.
(If you want more stuff like this, give me a like+RT+follow, thanks!) -
Are you tired of Twitter being all negativity and hot takes?
— Michael Girdley (@girdley) June 3, 2023
I know a place where that isn't so.
It's my newsletter, I send for free each week because I'm paranoid Twitter will go out of business: