Mind Reading at the New York Times
The New York Times implies that there is a question of what would "convince Mr. Trump" regarding his prosecution. However, it is clear that Trump is not interested in fairness, and simply wants to get off without any consequences.

Dean Baker
Senior economist at the Center for Economic &Policy Research (@ceprdc). Blog-- Beat the Press (@beat_the_press) I'm now at Mastodon @deanbaker13@econtwitter.net

More mind reading at the NYT in a very bad way. pic.twitter.com/MT5cRG0Tyu
— Dean Baker (@DeanBaker13) June 10, 2023 -
This implies that there is a question of what would "convince Mr. Trump." Has anyone shown any evidence whatsoever that Trump cares one iota whether his prosecution is justified?
— Dean Baker (@DeanBaker13) June 10, 2023 -
Can anyone in the world really believe that Trump cares whether his prosecution is justified?
— Dean Baker (@DeanBaker13) June 10, 2023 -
The point is that Trump is not interested at all in fairness, and everyone should know that by now. He wants to get off: FULL STOP.
— Dean Baker (@DeanBaker13) June 10, 2023 -
On some days Trump claims to be a Christian. If Jesus Christ came down to pronounce Trump's guilt and give him his sentence, does anyone doubt that he would still yell "WITCH HUNT!"?
— Dean Baker (@DeanBaker13) June 10, 2023 -
forgot the link https://t.co/btYNuQxwKO
— Dean Baker (@DeanBaker13) June 10, 2023 -
Seriously, this just pieces me off way more than the standard NYT bad takes. It implies something there is absolutely zero evidence for -- that somehow Trump is contemplating the actual merits of the case against him.
— Dean Baker (@DeanBaker13) June 10, 2023 -
Does anyone anywhere think that Trump cares one iota about whether Smith is justified in pursuing the case against him? Can anyone find even a tiny shred of evidence that supports that view?
— Dean Baker (@DeanBaker13) June 10, 2023 -
yuk, that should be "pisses me off"
— Dean Baker (@DeanBaker13) June 10, 2023