Mapping the Neutralizing Specificities of HIV Antibodies
In a new study led by Caelan Radford, an improved deep mutational scanning system was used to map the neutralizing specificities of broad human polyclonal serum antibodies from individuals living with HIV. Previous work had three main limitations that this study addressed.

Bloom Lab
Lab studying molecular evolution of proteins and viruses. Affiliated with @fredhutch @HHMINEWS @uwgenome.

In a new study led by @CaelanRadford in collaboration with @FKlein_lab, we use an improved deep mutational scanning system to map the neutralizing specificities of broad human polyclonal serum antibodies from individuals living with HIV.
— Bloom Lab (@jbloom_lab) March 25, 2023 -
As background, HIV infection sometimes elicits antibodies that broadly neutralize many strains.
— Bloom Lab (@jbloom_lab) March 25, 2023
Individual broadly neutralizing antibodies have been extensively characterized, but it is much harder to map the neutralizing specificity of the actual polyclonal antibody response. -
Our group previously used deep mutational scanning to map mutations affecting HIV antibody neutralization by creating mutant libraries of Env in actual virus ( While that work has been useful, it had 3 main limitations…
— Bloom Lab (@jbloom_lab) March 25, 2023 -
Those limitations, now all overcome, were:
— Bloom Lab (@jbloom_lab) March 25, 2023
1⃣Could only map effect of individual Env mutations, not combinations
2⃣Required work w actual HIV, which created biosafety considerations & made expts more difficult
3⃣Measured relative enrichment rather than absolute neutralization -
To overcome limitations, we used new non-replicative lentiviral deep mutational scanning our group recently developed:
— Bloom Lab (@jbloom_lab) March 25, 2023
Makes it possible to safely measure how combos of mutations to many viral entry proteins, including Env, affect antibody neutralization. -
We first created libraries of Env from transmitted/founder strain BF520.
— Bloom Lab (@jbloom_lab) March 25, 2023
Each library had ~40K Env mutants w avg of ~2.5 amino-acid mutations.
We measured how mutations affected viral entry: as expected, mutations found more in natural HIV alignment were better for viral entry -
We next measured how all the mutations affected antibody neutralization, using an “absolute neutralization standard” to convert relative deep sequencing counts into quantitative measures of infection neutralization (
— Bloom Lab (@jbloom_lab) March 25, 2023 -
Initially we validated this approach with the well-characterized antibody PGT151. Our deep mutational scanning accurately mapped the epitope of PGT151 in a way highly consistent with extensive prior structural and functional data.
— Bloom Lab (@jbloom_lab) March 25, 2023 -
Importantly, the high-throughput measurements of affect on PGT151 neutralization we make for 1000s of Env mutations correlate extremely well with traditional TZM-bl neutralization assays (much better than for our prior HIV deep mutational scanning methods).
— Bloom Lab (@jbloom_lab) March 25, 2023 -
After validating approach, we started interesting part: mapping neutralizing specificity of human polyclonal serum antibodies to HIV.
— Bloom Lab (@jbloom_lab) March 25, 2023
First, we focused on individual from whom @FKlein_lab had isolated extremely broad & potent monoclonal antibody 1-18: -
The serum from this individual (IDC561) had a neutralization escape map targeting the CD4 binding site that resembled but was not identical to 1-18. Suggests that 1-18 or very similar antibodies substantially contribute to polyclonal serum neutralization for this individual.
— Bloom Lab (@jbloom_lab) March 25, 2023 -
Other serum targeting the CD4 binding-site had different neutralization specificities. For instance, serum IDC513 had an escape map similar to monoclonal antibody 3BNC117. Must be convergent evolution, as that antibody not from this individual.
— Bloom Lab (@jbloom_lab) March 25, 2023 -
The existence of multiply mutated Envs in our libraries also enables us to identify serum where neutralization is contributed by antibodies targeting distinct epitopes.
— Bloom Lab (@jbloom_lab) March 25, 2023
For details of how that is done, see this thread / paper: -
We do find one CD4-binding-site targeting serum that clearly has two neutralizing epitopes in the CD4 binding site, each of which resembles the sole epitope of a different serum. Suggests how there can variable number of targets in polyclonal neutralizing response.
— Bloom Lab (@jbloom_lab) March 25, 2023 -
Overall, we think ability to accurately & directly interrogate neutralizing specificity of polyclonal serum can help inform vaccine design, particularly in conjunction with other new techniques (eg, emPEM; for directly visualizing binding specificities.
— Bloom Lab (@jbloom_lab) March 25, 2023 -
All of the data and code from our study, including interactive visualizations of the antibody and serum escape maps, are available at
— Bloom Lab (@jbloom_lab) March 25, 2023 -
Thanks to all the contributors to this study: @CaelanRadford, @SchommersP, @LutzGieselmann, @khdcrawford, @bdadonaite, @timcyuu, @AdamDingens, Julie Overbaugh, and @FKlein_lab.
— Bloom Lab (@jbloom_lab) March 25, 2023 -
Finally, please reach out if you are interested in joining our group to further develop this work. Our group mostly focuses on SARS-CoV-2 and influenza, but there is a real opportunity for a postdoc interested in HIV to further apply deep mutational scanning in that field.
— Bloom Lab (@jbloom_lab) March 25, 2023