Google Docs Feature Request: Drag-and-Drop Section Headers
This feature request for Google Docs would allow users to drag-and-drop section headers from the Document Outline sidebar, making it easier to edit larger documents. Currently, reorganizing text by cut-pasting is stressful, while copy-pasting is more boring and time-consuming.

Gretchen McCulloch
Internet Linguist. NYT bestselling author of BECAUSE INTERNET. Cohost @lingthusiasm, a podcast that's enthusiastic about linguistics. she/her 🌈
My top @googledocs feature request is wishing that I could drag-and-drop section headers from the Document Outline sidebar and it would move the whole section
— Gretchen McCulloch (@GretchenAMcC) March 27, 2023
this would be so helpful for editing larger docs, who do I need to @ for this -
*correction, that's if you reorg text by cut-pasting, it's stressful to see it vanish
— Gretchen McCulloch (@GretchenAMcC) March 27, 2023
but if you do it via copy-pasting, while it's less stressful, it's more boring to go delete the copied text later after it's safely pasted elsewhere -
I seem to have like a proprioceptive sense-memory where my hands feel weird and alert when I have something unresolved on my clipboard but yeah sometimes you forget the exact part that you want to copy-paste it to or from, it's annoying
— Gretchen McCulloch (@GretchenAMcC) March 27, 2023 -
Yes, scriviner is part of what gave me the idea, but it doesn't run well on multiple devices which I absolutely need
— Gretchen McCulloch (@GretchenAMcC) March 27, 2023
Will check out the other app you mentioned though! -
Update: unfortunately Zettlr is also a full markdown editor that you download, I'm sure this works for some people but I'm not in the market for this, I need something that works in the browser and I don't want to work in markdown for projects where I'd need cards
— Gretchen McCulloch (@GretchenAMcC) March 27, 2023 -
I ship scrivener x google docs
— Gretchen McCulloch (@GretchenAMcC) March 27, 2023