Giving Credit Where Credit is Due
Learn why it's important to give credit where credit is due in the UX community. Understand why it's important to be upfront about the contribution of others and why it's important to give them a heads up before publishing.

Vivianne Castillo
Founder of @HmntyCntrd® | FastCompany Top 10 Most Innovative Design Companies | Humanity in Tech Advocate-Warrior | Choosing courage over comfort | she/her
1/Someone shared this with me today and I'm seeing it for the first time but I'd like @userinterviews to consider how they approach pieces like this in the future (some of which can still be corrected on this piece). Some thoughts:
— Vivianne Castillo (@vcastillo630) April 15, 2023 -
2/When you're writing a blog post that is basically the summarization of everyone else's work:
— Vivianne Castillo (@vcastillo630) April 15, 2023
(1) Give credit more upfront (especially when the majority of your quotes come from 2 Black women): the post has 1 person as the author when in reality it's the work of everyone else. -
— Vivianne Castillo (@vcastillo630) April 15, 2023
(2) I can literallyyyyy tell what parts of my talks or writings have just been slightly re-worded or paraphrased, as if the author originally wrote it. I don't know if this is true for the other folks in this piece but for me this ... is not ... okay. Cite the work. -
— Vivianne Castillo (@vcastillo630) April 15, 2023
(3) Support the work of those you are surfacing by also hyperlinking their names to either their LinkedIn or their business. For example, you could hyperlink @rdietkus's website or @ChristelleNg's name to her LinkedIn (vs the same blog). Be about the community. -
5/ In general the UX community has to get better at giving credit where credit is due. And if the piece HEAVILYYY uses quotes/the paraphrased work of others, be more upfront about their contribution to the piece (maybe even give them a heads up?) vs just one author.
— Vivianne Castillo (@vcastillo630) April 15, 2023 -
6/And please, I beg, learn how to cite the work of others (even if paraphrased). Otherwise you end up writing a book thinking that you're the originator of an idea when others have ACTUALLY been doing the work in a way that more accurately represents the idea **cough** Don Norman
— Vivianne Castillo (@vcastillo630) April 15, 2023 -
Oof. Didn't mean to link this profile for Dr. Christelle Ngnoumen. You can find her here:
— Vivianne Castillo (@vcastillo630) April 15, 2023