Getting Started with AI/ML
Learn how to get started with AI/ML and become a builder. Discover tips for the first month, including learning to use notebooks, dealing with data, and building your first project. Get ready to revolutionize the world!

Machine Learning. I run and write @0xbnomial.

AI will revolutionize the world in the next 3 to 5 years.
— Santiago (@svpino) June 2, 2023
But we need more builders: people willing to work and learn solid AI/ML skills.
Here is how you can start: -
Most people think that starting is hard. They are wrong.
— Santiago (@svpino) June 2, 2023
These recommendations will get you through the first month.
1. Learn to use notebooks
2. Learn to deal with data
3. Learn data visualization
4. Learn basic algorithms
5. Build your first project
Here are a few resources: -
But first, let me thank the sponsor for today's post:
— Santiago (@svpino) June 2, 2023
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For this guide to be helpful, you need to know Python.
— Santiago (@svpino) June 2, 2023
If you are comfortable writing Python, keep going. If you aren't, I'd suggest you start there. -
1. Learn to use notebooks
— Santiago (@svpino) June 2, 2023
You want to learn about notebooks: Jupyter or Google Colab are your friends.
Notebooks are a fantastic way to code, experiment, and communicate your results.
Here is a 30-minute tutorial on Jupyter Notebooks: -
2. Learn to deal with data
— Santiago (@svpino) June 2, 2023
Pandas is a one-stop shop for this.
"10 minutes to pandas" is an excellent tutorial to get you started on the basics:
Also, watch this video: -
3. Learn data visualization
— Santiago (@svpino) June 2, 2023
It's critical to learn data visualization and how to showcase the work you are doing.
Kaggle's tutorial is a fantastic start:
Also, watch this 6-minute tutorial on Seaborn: -
4. Learn basic algorithms
— Santiago (@svpino) June 2, 2023
A few suggestions: Decision Trees, KNN, Linear Regression, and Neural Networks.
Kick it off with the Machine Learning Recipes from Google: -
Before talking about your first project, it's time to go through an end-to-end tutorial that will put everything together for you.
— Santiago (@svpino) June 2, 2023
Look at the "Intro to Machine Learning" tutorial.
It's a quick tutorial that will bring together all of the pieces: -
5. Build your first project
— Santiago (@svpino) June 2, 2023
The tutorial from the previous step ends with the Titanic exercise. You can find it on Kaggle:
This is everything you need to get started and finish your first Machine Learning project!