Exploring the Glorification of Nazi Memorabilia
Harlan Crow's 'house' served as a museum with Nazi memorabilia on display. This blog explores the implications of glorifying such artifacts and the implications of displaying them as art.

danah boyd
sociotechnical researcher | Microsoft Research, Georgetown, Data & Society | zephoria@zephoria.org | (@zephoria@mastodon.social) | https://t.co/WPud3CWY4P
Years ago, I attended a meeting about the future of democracy at Harlan Crow’s “house” (which was staged as a museum). I left deeply shaken by the Nazi memorabilia on display. Apparently I wasn’t alone. https://t.co/AnoLUyaS5I 1/5
— danah boyd (@zephoria) April 8, 2023 -
Indeed Crow’s house had statues of fallen dictators. I was told that all these items were war trophies to commemorate how the “good guys” won. But no museum curator I know would glorify such artifacts that way. Hitler’s painting was signed and just hanging on the wall as art. 2/5
— danah boyd (@zephoria) April 8, 2023 -
The library space (where tables were set up for large gatherings like ours) in Crow’s house was also filled with awards and recognition for conservative leaders. I remember seeing Clarence Thomas’s name on a plaque near the front of that room along with Scalia and others. 3/5
— danah boyd (@zephoria) April 8, 2023 -
I didn’t know who Harlan Crow was at the time. I was told he was a major GOP fundraiser. I remember wondering if he was also collecting trophies out of conservative leaders. This week’s ProPublica reporting refreshes that memory. https://t.co/GfBrjJEVvt 4/5
— danah boyd (@zephoria) April 8, 2023 -
Years later, I still shudder thinking about the Nazi uniform decorations in Harlan Crow’s house. And the painting. And the book. And the statues. And the “antebellum” (pro slavery) artifacts. I’m glad others are questioning the acceptability of those materials. 5/5
— danah boyd (@zephoria) April 8, 2023 -
For those who asked, I did leave right after seeing the Nazi artifacts. I also raised a stink at the next day’s session (held elsewhere) which was received coldly and defensively. I felt gaslit. I didn’t attend the next meeting of the group.
— danah boyd (@zephoria) April 8, 2023 -
I did not go to the media because there was already plenty of coverage on Crow. Journalists in Dallas have been covering this for years. I was angry that one of the event organizers knew and didn’t flag concerns. No one cared. My objections were brushed off as overreacting.
— danah boyd (@zephoria) April 8, 2023 -
I’m speaking up now to validate the anonymous source. I’m glad people now recognize that this is important and problematic. That was not the case when @EthanZ and I were outraged by what we saw in that house. We left. We objected. Nothing changed. Maybe now it can?
— danah boyd (@zephoria) April 8, 2023 -
The event I attended was part of a series of meetings as part of the @americanacad’s Commission on the Practice of Democratic Citizenship. https://t.co/ywa2rwD53t
— danah boyd (@zephoria) April 8, 2023