Creating a Blog with React
This blog looks at the possibilities of using Create React App to make a blog by mapping over markdown files on a disk. It also looks at the limitations of client-only and the advantages of running code during the build.

the results are always perfect
when i was thinking about possible futures for Create React App, it was clear client-only doesn’t make sense. way too limiting.
— дэн (@dan_abramov) March 17, 2023
why are we always producing an empty HTML file if React can pre-render to HTML? why can’t i make a blog by map()ing over markdown files on my disk? -
for a while i thought maybe that’s what the next iteration of CRA should be. sure, you still don’t have to use a Node.js server — but you should be able to take advantage of running code during the build! it doesn’t make sense that you did not have that option.
— дэн (@dan_abramov) March 17, 2023 -
in that possible future, you’d imagine CRA was similar to what it used to be, but it can do a static pre-render of your component tree. so that your HTML isn’t empty. but from that point it obviously lets you use client features. we like interactivity :)
— дэн (@dan_abramov) March 17, 2023 -
however, you can’t make it work that way without an integration with a router. how else can we pre-render more than a single page? we wouldn’t know what to render.
— дэн (@dan_abramov) March 17, 2023
okay, so let’s add a file-based router as a good “works for most cases” solution. HTML per route + client handoff. -
we could actually stop here. you’d have a tool that generates some code during the build and lets you do the rest on the client. navigations feel like SPA.
— дэн (@dan_abramov) March 17, 2023
then let’s say you *want to* add one dynamic server route. but you can’t do that. you are LOCKED INTO not using the server. -
here’s the thing.
— дэн (@dan_abramov) March 17, 2023
the current crop of modern frameworks (specifically, Next.js and Gatsby) already work this way.
they let you start 100% static + client. HTML generation, file-based routing, SPA navigations, and real client code (as much as you like). that’s the baseline. -
however, if you *do* want to use the server for some dynamic route — like, reading from a DB instead of a file — they let you do that easily. you just change a couple of lines of code. your existing pages remain static/client.
— дэн (@dan_abramov) March 17, 2023
frameworks provide LESS LOCK-IN in that sense. -
so i realized that building this would just building a more limited version of what Next.js/Gatsby already have to offer. it would do exactly the same things they already do, but would not allow you to do more.
— дэн (@dan_abramov) March 17, 2023
modern frameworks are hybrid. they let you build SPAs *and more*. -
it’s the same story with React Server Components. people hear “server” and assume Node.js. but RSC can run during the build.
— дэн (@dan_abramov) March 17, 2023
in fact, in Next 13 App Router it’s the *default*. if you fetch() something in RSC, it would be *at the build time* unless you opt into dynamic rendering. -
the shift we’re seeing (and yes, trying to make happen) is not from “writing SPAs” to “not writing SPAs”.
— дэн (@dan_abramov) March 17, 2023
it’s from “being locked into SPAs” (it’s difficult to add built-time or server-side integration later on) to “using whatever mode makes sense for each page”.
hybrid era. -
it’s a shift, but mostly a mental shift.
— дэн (@dan_abramov) March 17, 2023
past: “start with client-only. rewrite to another approach when need build-time or server.”
future: “start with build-time + client, however you want to split it. add server if you want. per page.” -
as everything converges on hybrid, our old terminology gets really confusing.
— дэн (@dan_abramov) March 17, 2023
- people want to save “SPAs” because they like not having to run a server.
- people dismiss “static” because they like navigation without page reloads.
but hybrid does all of that already! -
i heard “proof or it didn’t happen” so here’s proof
— дэн (@dan_abramov) March 18, 2023