Collated Thoughts on the Many Birds of Oregon
This blog post collates thoughts on the many birds seen in Oregon last year, with as many images as possible. It looks at the highlights, from geese to white-fronted geese to other birds.

Darren Naish
Zoologist, author Dr Darren Naish | Dinosaurs animals evolution | Books: DinosaursHTLE - All Yesterdays - DINOPEDIA. PREHISTORIC PLANET lead consultant AppleTV+

I've collated thoughts on the many #birds I saw in #Oregon last year and published all of them - with as many images as possible in a new Tetrapod Zoology article. The article is here ... and here's a thread on some of the highlights... #birdwatching #
— Darren Naish (@TetZoo) June 11, 2023 -
Among the first #birds I saw were #geese. What I thought were Canada geese turned out to be smaller Cackling goose, a new one for me. Greater white-fronted geese were present too - geese that practise especially long periods of parental care...
— Darren Naish (@TetZoo) June 11, 2023 -
I saw a few #ducks, though always at frustrating distance. Surf scoters and Bufflehead (both seaducks) were seen, and also Northern pintail, American wigeon and that great rarity the Mallard...
— Darren Naish (@TetZoo) June 11, 2023 -
Moving to #waterbirds, I had various sightings of familiar cormorants, grebes and herons, and Black oystercatcher. Then there were the #gulls. It looks like I saw three species: Western gull, California gull and (inset in the last image) Short-billed gull. That's not bad. AND....
— Darren Naish (@TetZoo) June 11, 2023 -
A big, gnarly gull that seemed to combine features of Western gull and Glaucous gull was seen at the Willamette River in Portland. It seemed to be the hybrid 'Olympic gull' or 'Puget Sound gull'. Nice! #gulls #gull
— Darren Naish (@TetZoo) June 11, 2023 -
I had poor, fleeting glimpses of #woodpeckers (Northern flicker and Hairy woodpecker) but far better views of Cedar waxwings, which I watched eating fruit, drinking, and wheeling around in a flock... #birds #birdwatching
— Darren Naish (@TetZoo) June 11, 2023 -
Also on #passerines, I saw several New World sparrows (passerellids), including Dark-eyed junco, Spotted towhee, Song sparrow and White-crowned sparrows. All of these #birds were new to me. Towhees in particular look great. #birds #birdwatching
— Darren Naish (@TetZoo) June 11, 2023 -
And I'll finish here with #corvids. Oregon is home to American crows, Black-billed magpie, California scrub jay and Steller's jay (among others). Visit the article for more discussion and more images... #birds #birdwatching
— Darren Naish (@TetZoo) June 11, 2023 -
I saw a number of additional species too, visit the article for more. This was my first ever visit to the Pacific NW and it was a dream trip, loved it! Huge thanks to my man Nico @TheFossilTeam for taking me to many great places :) #birds #birdwatching
— Darren Naish (@TetZoo) June 11, 2023