Building a Personal Brand into a Money-Making Monopoly
Learn how to build a personal brand into a money-making monopoly with this 7-step playbook. Find your affinity, get followers, authority and money.

Sohaib Albadawee
A job gets you paid, entrepreneurship gets you freedom. Tweets about going from an employee to a $1M one-person business @GrowthTribe_ 🗿

Struggling to build a Personal Brand?
— Sohaib Albadawee (@albadawee) June 24, 2023
Personal Branding experts will charge you $10,000 to help you build one.
This 7-step playbook that will turn your brand into a money-making monopoly (for free): -
Before we dive in...
— Sohaib Albadawee (@albadawee) June 24, 2023
1. This isn't a random framework of the internet
2. This will reward you with: Followers, authority & 💵💵💵
If you want to Build a personal monopoly that differentiates you:
• Bookmark this thread
• & Put it to work -
#1 Find your Affinity
— Sohaib Albadawee (@albadawee) June 24, 2023
What are you passionate about?
Find things that:
• Get you excited every morning
• Feels like fun instead of work
Don't follow trends, find your passion instead. -
#2 Identify your Ability
— Sohaib Albadawee (@albadawee) June 24, 2023
Why ability/skills?
Ability = Creations = Value = $$$
But how can you flag your abilities/skills? -
Here are 3 simple steps to flag your abilities/skills:
— Sohaib Albadawee (@albadawee) June 24, 2023
1. List down your skills
2. Ask people close to you
3. Find the interesting between 1 & 2
Now let's take it a step further ↓ -
#3 Use creativity to stack your Abilities
— Sohaib Albadawee (@albadawee) June 24, 2023
The world's elite aren't masters of just one skill.
Combine your abilities to create superpowers:
→ Steve Jobs (Product design + Marketing + High Agency)
→ Me (Writing+ Visuals + Marketing) -
#4 Harness your Authenticity
— Sohaib Albadawee (@albadawee) June 24, 2023
Authenticty is sexy as hell!
It has the power to:
- Get other's attention
- Create a wide fan base
- & Make you a ton of $$$
But how can you be authentic? -
To be authentic, you need to figure out your 3Ps
— Sohaib Albadawee (@albadawee) June 24, 2023
1. Purpose: "Building a $1M one-person business"
2. Promise: "Helping you build a one-person business"
3. Personality: " Discipline, social & humble"
Use your 3Ps to attract your fans. -
#5 Ensure your Marketability
— Sohaib Albadawee (@albadawee) June 24, 2023
The most powerful aspect of marketing is familiarity.
But, how do you become familiar?
Here is the playbook:
1. Identify your unique angle
2. & Communicate it every day without fail -
#6 Increase your visibility
— Sohaib Albadawee (@albadawee) June 24, 2023
Now let's make noise.
Here's how to get people to notice you:
1. Create content around your monopoly.
2. Double down on 1 platform.
3. Solve problems, your way.
But how to make sure others see your content? -
#7 Use Virality
— Sohaib Albadawee (@albadawee) June 24, 2023
Here's the content that people read:
1. This educates me.
2. This entertains me.
3. This makes me think/feel.
4. This makes me feel special.
5. This makes me more money.
Use these to produce viral content that will multiply you. -
You've just built a Personal Monopoly using your:
— Sohaib Albadawee (@albadawee) June 24, 2023
#1 Affinity (Find your passion)
#2 Ability (Identify your skills)
#3 Creativity (Stack your skills)
#4 Authenticity (Employ your 3Ps)
#5 Marketability (Use a unique angle)
#6 Visibility (Create content)
#7 Use virality (Go viral) -
If you enjoyed this thread:
— Sohaib Albadawee (@albadawee) June 24, 2023
1. Follow me @albadawee on my journey from 0 to $1M
2. RT the tweet below to share this thread with your friends -
👋 Join +7,143 readers in Growth Tribe Newsletter
— Sohaib Albadawee (@albadawee) June 25, 2023
Every Saturday, you will get free tips/resources that will help you grow and monetize your one-person business.