Autopilot Alarmist Claims: Is It Really Crashing More Than Humans?
Analyze the data presented by Autopilot alarmist Faiz Siddiqui claiming that Autopilot has been involved in 736 crashes. Learn how to normalize the data and compare it to human driving automation tech.

Whole Mars Catalog
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Long time Autopilot alarmist Faiz Siddiqui has a new article out claiming that Autopilot has been involved in 736 crashes.
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
But Autopilot is the most widely used driving automation tech in the world. Is it really crashing more than humans? Let's do some math in this thread. -
Now, this isn't just me objecting to how the data is presented as an Autopilot user. NHTSA is crystal clear about the limitations of this data in the very report WaPo is mentioning.
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
Summary incident report data are *NOT NORMALIZED*. -
NHTSA lists many other limitations of the data, such as the fact that Tesla reports data more quickly than others and that incident reports may be unverified.
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
But let's focus on mileage and why it's so important for a minute. -
Imagine I come to you and say hey i've got the world's safest automated driving system! nobody has ever crashed while using it and nobody has ever died!
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
Sounds impressive, right? Until you realize 0 miles have been driven with my system. Of course, 0 crashes is easy with 0 miles -
Similarly if system A has 2 crashes and system B has 1 crash it sounds like system B is safer.
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
Until you realize system A has driven 100 billion miles and system B has only driven 10. Now system A looks much better
Without normalization, this data is meaningless. -
So are people really crashing and dying more often on Autopilot than if they drove themselves, as WaPo seems to imply?
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
Well, let's do some basic math that apparently they don't teach in journalism school. Tesla recently said they drove 100 billion miles -
This is all Tesla miles traveled, Autopilot on or off.
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
In the US we have 1.35 fatalities per 100 million miles traveled. Drive 100 billion miles and you'd be expected to have 1,350 deaths.
If 17 of them had Autopilot on, that's ~1.25% of total fatalities. -
In other words 98.75% of fatalities occurred when humans were in control of the car.
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
This is the real problem. Human caused car crashes and fatalities. Autopilot & tesla vision active safety were designed to address this problem, but media pretends they caused it! -
If you believe clowns like Faiz and Dan O'Dowd, 99% of crashes are caused by Autopilot. But when you actually look at the data it says the exact opposite: 99% of crashes are caused by humans, and could be eliminated with AI in every car.
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023 -
Now let's turn to crashes. In the US we have 1.53 crashes per million miles traveled. So you would expect 153,000 crashes.
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
Teslas, even with Autopilot & active safety off crash less. So you'd expect 68,000 crashes in a Tesla with those features off. -
736 crashes might sound like a lot, but compared to 68,000 total crashes you find again that 99% of crashes happened when Autopilot was off.
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
Autopilot was on for less than 1% of all crashes. -
So are people crashing more often on Autopilot than they would if they drove themselves?
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
That depends on what percentage of miles traveled are on Autopilot. If Autopilot accounts for 20% of miles traveled, but only 1% of crashes, that would suggest people crash less not more -
Conversely, if Autopilot only accounts for 0.1% of miles traveled but 1% of crashes that would suggest it crashes much more often than when people are driving manually
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
Reports from users suggest some are using it for 96%+ of their driving -
I find it very unlikely that Autopilot is used for less than 1% of all miles traveled in a Tesla. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if it is more than 50% of all miles traveled.
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
What the data suggests is that people are crashing less with Autopilot, not more! -
The implication of this article is that if you simply banned Autopilot, nobody would crash or die. But that's flat out wrong. People still need to drive, even if you take away their Autopilot.
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
If Autopilot were banned, you'd see MORE crashes and deaths not more. -
Autopilot critics may roll their eyes at this, but it makes perfect sense to anyone who has used AP.
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
In manual driving mode, humans recklessly zip around in a Tesla that goes 0 - 60 in a snap. Autopilot is cautious and conservative by comparison and monitors driver attention -
A lot of critics like to pretend that distracted driving is a problem caused by Autopilot when the reality is distracted driving is a huge problem in every car, mostly the ones that don't have Autopilot.
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
Autopilot & FSD now monitor drivers phone use, making them much safer. -
When I was driving across California on FSD yesterday I noticed how many people were using their phone in the car.
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
Meanwhile I'm not allowed to take my phone out or the car beeps at me. This is a tremendous safety advantage, to force driver attention. -
Journalists like this make me sick. They go and write a sensational story devoid of any context that suggests that we need to ban this technology to save lives
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
The reality is, if people listened to them more would die. Thankfully, regulators don't because they see the data. -
Take a look at this guy's track record. All shitting on Tesla and Autopilot all the time, never taking in new information.
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
Reminds me of Jonah Jameson. Everything has to be Spider Man is a menace! No regards to what actually happened in reality -
Finally I'll say just because Autopilot & FSD were on during a crash does not mean it is the fault of Autopilot.
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
Today, the human is always responsible and must maintain control and pay attention to the road, just like when driving manually. -
Let's say I'm driving on the highway on Autopilot and an out of control Semi truck barreling down the hill rear ends me sending me into another car.
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
That would be reported as a crash with Autopilot on, even though nobody would blame Autopilot. -
When you look at many of these cases where there was a fatal car crash, you often find that the people were playing a game on their phone, distracted, or intoxicated.
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
Today's FSD driver monitoring system makes using your phone almost impossible. This is a thing of the past. -
Oh another thing. He said the number is increasing and skyrocketing. Again, you have to normalize it.
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
If you look at all Teslas, you could say wow more Teslas are crashing every year! Horrible! 1 million% increase from 10 years ago!
Yeah cuz there were no Teslas 10 years ago -
Obviously more Teslas are going to crash every year if you're making more. That doesn't mean there's an issue. You want to look at crashes per car produced or miles traveled to normalize it.
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
When you look at it that way, crashes per car are going down not up! -
but hey who cares about that spider man is a menace
— Whole Mars Catalog (@WholeMarsBlog) June 11, 2023
he's killing people not saving them