Apple Vision: What Does The Actual Product Look Like?
Apple recently announced the launch of their new product, Apple Vision. What does the actual product look like? Here's a closer look.

the results are always perfect
lol sorry but i think apple did it again
— дэн (@dan_abramov) June 5, 2023 -
curious what the actual apple vision (not pro) looks like
— дэн (@dan_abramov) June 5, 2023 -
vision is such a dope name for a product. focuses it on the human (what function does it serve you) rather than on the place you’re supposedly in (whatever reality). “apple vision” also kinda says “this is *the* thing we’re working on”
— дэн (@dan_abramov) June 5, 2023 -
it’s awkward because it also instantly looks retro. like something from the 80s. same with the price. so it’s like we were in the future of the current generation, and now we’re in the past of the next generation.
— дэн (@dan_abramov) June 5, 2023 -
i don’t know if the hardware will hold up but it looks like they did a wonderful job with the software. there were some great small details and fixes “obvious in retrospect”, it feels a bit like when i saw iOS for the first time and it grouped sms messages.
— дэн (@dan_abramov) June 5, 2023 -
the “5000 patents” slide felt a little bit menacing. i wonder if this is strictly hardware or software too.
— дэн (@dan_abramov) June 5, 2023 -
anyway huge congratulations to everyone who worked on this, must be surreal to see it being talked about!
— дэн (@dan_abramov) June 6, 2023