The AMA's Support of Gender Affirming Care
The American Medical Association has strengthened its support of the gender affirming care model for trans-identifying children. Learn more about the Dutch model of treatment, the misleading claims in the AMA's statement, and the history of gender affirming care.

Benjamin Ryan
🔬Health & science reporter | Contributor to: @NYTimes @NBCNews @Guardian @TRF | Other bylines: @WashingtonPost @TheAtlantic | Cancer Survivor | Columbia grad

The AMA has strengthened its support of the gender affirming care model for trans-identifying children in the wake of 20 state bans. There are many misleading or non-evidence-based claims in the statement, such as that GAC “can be live saving.” 1/
— Benjamin Ryan (@benryanwriter) June 14, 2023 -
The AMA also misleadingly points to “more than 2,000 scientific studies” on the gender-affirming care model since 1975, despite the fact that only a small number of these studies concerned children—the focus of the bans. GAC for kids has only been studied since the late 90s. 3/
— Benjamin Ryan (@benryanwriter) June 14, 2023 -
The “Dutch model” of treating trans-identifying kids with puberty blockers and hormones was first imported to the US in 2007 at Boston Children’s and was only used in a very small number of children until about 2015. 4/
— Benjamin Ryan (@benryanwriter) June 14, 2023 -
The AMA also refers to the gender-affirming care model for trans-identifying kids as “evidence based”. @WritingBlock reported for @bmj_latest that the research about such care is of such low quality that the care cannot legitimately be called “evidence based.” 5/…
— Benjamin Ryan (@benryanwriter) June 14, 2023 -
Researchers have not proved that treating children who identify as transgender with puberty blockers and hormones is associated with a reduction in deaths by suicide. So it is a falsehood to call such treatment “live saving,” as the @AmerMedicalAssn does. 6/
— Benjamin Ryan (@benryanwriter) June 14, 2023 -
The AMA says that gender-affirming care is "designed to take a conservative approach," suggesting that because pre-adolescent children don't receive treatment, this is being conservative. But there is no need for such treatment until adolescence hits. 7/
— Benjamin Ryan (@benryanwriter) June 14, 2023 -
The new head of the @AmerMedicalAssn is @DoctorJesseMD, the first-ever openly gay man to hold the post. Here he is at the AMA conference in Chicago with prominent trans activists @Esqueer_ and @ElleLettMDPhD.
— Benjamin Ryan (@benryanwriter) June 14, 2023 -
Note that I twice typed "live" when I meant "life" in this thread.
— Benjamin Ryan (@benryanwriter) June 14, 2023 -
If anyone sees or thinks that I have stated anything incorrect in this thread or have otherwise misread the available science, I welcome you to point that out. I appreciate your pointing to sources, such as published studies.
— Benjamin Ryan (@benryanwriter) June 14, 2023 -
Note that @ElleLettMDPhD does not wish to be characterized as an activist. She is a scientist.
— Benjamin Ryan (@benryanwriter) June 14, 2023 -
Here are some thoughts from @ElleLettMDPhD on this thread:
— Benjamin Ryan (@benryanwriter) June 14, 2023