8 Minimalist Concepts That Will Improve Your Life
List your most misplaced items and standardize a home for them. Simplify your finances, cancel unused subscriptions, automate your bills, and budget with the 50/30/20 Rule. These 8 minimalist concepts will help you improve your life.

Ben Meer
Personal Development 2.0. I write about systems and high-performance living ⚡ Cornell MBA • NASM Trainer
8 minimalist concepts that will improve your life:
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) April 15, 2023 -
1. Simplify your finances
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) April 15, 2023
• Cancel unused subscriptions
• Automate your bills, savings, investments
• Pay off debt with the Avalanche Method (Google it)
• Budget with the 50/30/20 Rule
(50% Needs, 30% Wants, 20% Savings) -
2. Choose practical materialism
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) April 15, 2023
Buy things that make you healthier, wealthier, or provide you free time.
It's called practical materialism:
Products that make a material difference in the quality of your life. -
3. Establish a home for every item
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) April 15, 2023
"Ensuring that each one of your belongings has its own spot is the only way to maintain a tidy and clutter-free home." —Marie Kondo
My advice:
1. List your most misplaced items (keys, wallet, etc.)
2. Standardize a home for these things today -
4. Build a capsule wardrobe
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) April 15, 2023
A capsule wardrobe is a collection of a limited number of clothing items—that can be mixed and matched effortlessly.
The benefit?
You'll reduce physical & mental clutter (i.e., the decision-making involved in getting dressed). -
5. Follow the 1 In, 1 Out Rule
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) April 15, 2023
If you purchase one item, then donate, toss, or sell another.
Minimalism is a dual discipline:
Manage both inbound and outbound possessions to enjoy equilibrium. -
6. Use the 1% Rule to curb impulse buys
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) April 15, 2023
If the item is over 1% of your annual gross income, wait 3 days.
If you still want the item after 3 days, get it.
You'll often realize you don't actually want/need that thing. -
7. Hide triggers for bad habits
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) April 15, 2023
Consider each item in your living space (one by one) and ask:
"Is this prompting a good or bad habit?"
After that, it's time to hide, donate, or sell the items that prompt bad habits.
Be ruthless. -
8. Stay at inbox zero (3-21-0 Method)
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) April 15, 2023
Your digital environment is either producing clarity or complexity.
Choose clarity; follow the 3-21-0 Method:
• 3 email processing sessions daily
• 21 minutes per session
• 0 emails left (goal of inbox zero) -
Why follow 3-21-0?
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) April 15, 2023
The most successful people of the future will be those who can focus and go deep into their work.
Batching lets you limit distraction and protect non-batching times for valuable "deep work" activities. -
How to execute 3-21-0:
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) April 15, 2023
Block 3, 21-minute sessions on your calendar.
Practical times:
• 9:30-9:51 AM
• 1:00-1:21 PM
• 4:30- 4:51 PM
Avoid checking email outside these times (if possible). Kill notifications. -
Those were 8 minimalist concepts for the win.
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) April 15, 2023
Thanks for reading! Follow me @SystemSunday for more threads on high-performance living. -
P.S. If you like personal development, you'll love my weekly newsletter (it’s free).
— Ben Meer (@SystemSunday) April 15, 2023
Every Sunday I feature the best systems for health, wealth, and free time.
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