5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Wash Your Hands
Learn why washing your hands with soap may not be the best way to stay healthy. We explore the two fundamental aspects of skincare and why Big Handwashing wants you to ignore them. Get the facts and make an informed decision for yourself.

Tan Man
CEO of Natural Health & Beauty with a PhD in tanning without sunscreen. Helping you to be healthy and enjoy your life. Eat @masa_chips

5 reasons why I DON'T wash my hands (and neither should you): pic.twitter.com/2HUneWCXJV
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) March 14, 2023 -
Remember flu season when you were a kid?
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) March 14, 2023
You'd hear it a million times on TV and in school:
"Wash your hands! Wash them with soap! Sing the happy birthday song!"
Here's the thing: THIS IS WRONG
I know what you're thinking...
"Gross, dude. Wash your damn hands."
Listen: -
Big Handwashing wants you to ignore 2 fundamental aspects of skincare:
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) March 14, 2023
1) Your skin absorbs everything it touches
2) Your skin is home to bacteria/oil that protect it and overwashing makes skin irritated and unhealthy
So, here are 5 reasons NOT to wash your hands: -
1. Anti-bacterial agents
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) March 14, 2023
Hand soaps are made of potent anti-microbial chemicals.
Remember how the skin has it's own bacterial ecosystem?
Anti-microbials kill it off. They can even disrupt the GUT microbiome, causing digestive stress and weakening your immune system. -
2. Hormone disrupting fragrances
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) March 14, 2023
So if we take out the anti-microbials, we're all good?
Even "natural" or "sustainable" soaps contain a ton of artificial fragrances.
And they don't just wash right off. Smell your hands 15 minutes after washing.
The thing is... -
Fragrance stays on your skin a long time...slowly absorbing into your system.
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) March 14, 2023
And the worst part?
Artificial fragrances are known to disrupt your sex hormones.
Toxic hormonal effects accumulate over time, hurting your fertility AND future babies. -
3. Artificial chemicals
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) March 14, 2023
Even zero-fragrance soap is chock-full of toxic chemicals.
Take a look at the label and you'll see things like
- Sodium laurel sulfate
- Sodium benzoate
Again, they don't just rinse off.
They stay on your skin to absorb for hours. -
4. Tap water
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) March 14, 2023
If you're reading this, I doubt I need to tell you about the dangers of tap water. But I will. Tap water is full of
- fluoride
- chlorine
- heavy metals
- pharmaceuticals
and more.
Hopefully, you're drinking spring water or reverse osmosis remineralized water. -
But even if you are, do you filter your sink water too?
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) March 14, 2023
It may sound like a little, but all those minutes spent washing your hands in toxic water add up.
And you wonder why you have dry hands?
Which leads me to the next point... -
5. Washing removes natural oils
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) March 14, 2023
Each of the prior items can be corrected if you put some thought into your hand washing.
But even natural handwashing strips your hands of natural oils.
Ever had dry, chapped hands in the winter?
This is why.
When it's cold... -
Your skin produces less oil than normal.
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) March 14, 2023
So, stripping your hands (and body, for that matter) of natural oils should be done as *little as possible*.
But the truth is...hands get dirty.
And you will have to clean them.
Here's what to do instead of bathing them in chemicals: -
1. Don't be so sensitive
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) March 14, 2023
A little food, sweat, or bodily fluids on your hands will not kill you. Overcleanliness is bad for your immune system.
2. Use alternative methods
Sweaty after a workout? Wipe down with a rag. Raw meat juice from prepping steak? Rub it into your arms. -
3. Washing in the shower
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) March 14, 2023
If you shower regularly, washing your hands 12 times a day is a harmful waste of time. Get a shower filter. And when you're in there, use...
4. Better soap
Pure soap is made of fat + sodium hydroxide (aka lye). It's called castile soap. Hunt it down. pic.twitter.com/A9YTUaYFGz -
The bottom line?
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) March 14, 2023
- No chemicals on your hands
- Use rags and handkerchiefs if you can
- Keep them clean in the first place
The goal is neither to be dirty, or be a hypochondriac.
Accept your body for what it is, and learn to live with it in harmonyhttps://t.co/ScgX6OnUvF -
Living free of toxins is pretty easy too. You just need to know where to look.
— Tan Man (@reallytanman) March 14, 2023
For cosmetics like mouthwash, toothpaste, tallow balm, and (soon to be) soap?
Check out @Man_with_a_van https://t.co/lgc9tN1EOc