The 12 Laws of Karma: A How-To Guide for a Life Well-Lived
Karma is more than just a phrase. Learn the 12 Laws of Karma and how to apply them to your life for a life well-lived. Understand the Law of Cause & Effect, the Law of Creation, and more.

Sahil Bloom
Exploring my curiosity and sharing what I learn along the way. Gave up a grand slam on ESPN in 2012 and still waiting for it to land.

Your how-to guide for a life well-lived.
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) March 8, 2023
The 12 Laws of Karma: -
Most people understand karma through the common phrase when we see a bad person get what was coming to them:
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) March 8, 2023
"Well, karma is a bitch!"
But there is a lot more depth to the concept.
Specifically, there are 12 Laws of Karma that everyone should understand: -
The Law of Cause & Effect
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) March 8, 2023
Whatever you put out, you receive back.
You reap what you sow.
This is also called "The Great Law", as it is the guiding law of karma and what most people think about when they think of the term. -
The Law of Creation
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) March 8, 2023
Life and progress require active participation.
People who actively create for themselves and the others around them are more likely to receive in return.
Aligns with my golden rule: Create value, receive value. -
The Law of Humility
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) March 8, 2023
The acceptance of our current state is the first necessary step to progress, growth, and change.
Develop an understanding and acceptance of where you are, what you control, and what you cannot. -
The Law of Growth
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) March 8, 2023
The shift in our internal reality through progress, growth, and change creates a shift in our external reality.
We only control our own daily actions, not those of the external actors in our lives.
Focus internally to see progress externally. -
The Law of Responsibility
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) March 8, 2023
Take personal responsibility for your life.
Look inward—not outward.
We are all responsible for how we respond to the circumstances and situations that we encounter.
That should be empowering, not frightening—no one can take that away from you. -
The Law of Connection
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) March 8, 2023
Everything in your life is connected in some way, shape, or form.
All of your actions from your past have impacted your present, and all of your actions in the present will impact your future. -
The Law of Focus
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) March 8, 2023
The mind is only capable of deeply focusing on one thing at a time.
Always seek to focus on a single point.
When in doubt, make that focus a positive one.
Multitasking is impossible! -
The Law of Giving & Hospitality
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) March 8, 2023
When you are called on to give, give generously and without reservation.
If we have good fortune, we must walk the walk and give selflessly to those who may not. -
The Law of Here & Now
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) March 8, 2023
You cannot live if you are constantly bemoaning the past or worrying about the future.
Be present in every single moment and focus on the daily actions that will contribute to a positive future. -
The Law of Change
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) March 8, 2023
History will always repeat itself unless and until you make a change to your actions.
Change the inputs to change the outputs. -
The Law of Patience & Reward
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) March 8, 2023
Always be patient with results.
Show up consistently, with energy and enthusiasm, and good things will come to you.
It's hard to beat the person who just keeps showing up. -
The Law of Significance & Inspiration
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) March 8, 2023
We are all significant.
Never let anyone tell you otherwise.
We all have the power to contribute to a positive future. -
Those are the 12 Laws of Karma.
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) March 8, 2023
Internalize them and you'll invite more positivity, growth, and luck into your life.
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P.S. I’ll cover this topic in a future newsletter.
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) March 8, 2023
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Here’s the full high-resolution visual of the 12 laws.
— Sahil Bloom (@SahilBloom) March 8, 2023