10 Mistakes Killing Your Story and How to Avoid Them
Storytelling is essential for communication, but it's easy to make mistakes. Learn 10 mistakes killing your story and how to avoid them with this blog. Discover why storytelling is important, what mistakes to avoid, and how to make your story better.

Nathan Baugh
I write fiction, build writing businesses, and am obsessed with storytelling. Join 69K storytellers: https://t.co/OleNU3OTwq

Storytelling is a game of psychology.
— Nathan Baugh (@nathanbaugh27) June 6, 2023
But over the past 5 years, I’ve made every mistake in the book.
Now, I collect those mistakes so I don’t make them again.
Here are 10 mistakes killing your story — and how to avoid them: pic.twitter.com/zWqNwn41Ie -
I’ve written 3 novels. Each, slightly better than the last.
— Nathan Baugh (@nathanbaugh27) June 6, 2023
But why should YOU care about storytelling?
It’s the essence of communication.
Want to persuade? Tell a story.
Want to entertain? Tell a story.
Want to inform? Tell a story.
Without further ado… -
Mistake 1: Providing context before the hook
— Nathan Baugh (@nathanbaugh27) June 6, 2023
Look at the order in the first 2 tweets.
The hook brings you in, then I provide context on why I’m believable and why you should care.
If that’s flipped, you’re not reading this. -
M2: Not learning from the best
— Nathan Baugh (@nathanbaugh27) June 6, 2023
“Read everything — trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You’ll absorb it.” — William Faulkner
If you want to write well:
1. Read a lot
2. Write a lot
My… -
M3: Ignoring open loops
— Nathan Baugh (@nathanbaugh27) June 6, 2023
Open loops are unanswered questions that you promise to answer later in the story.
Answer some immediately, save some answers for the end.
Try to always have one open. -
M4: Going too fast
— Nathan Baugh (@nathanbaugh27) June 6, 2023
At the height of your story, grind everything to a halt.
It’s called the ‘Hourglass Technique.’
Add description. Get a little wordy. Force your audience to wait for the payoff.
Make them hang on your every word. -
M5: Focusing too little on the hook
— Nathan Baugh (@nathanbaugh27) June 6, 2023
It doesn’t matter how incredible the rest of your story is if nobody sticks around for it.
A few guidelines:
• Punchy
• Short
• “Big if true”
To see great hooks in action, check this out: https://t.co/nsVKi0LKdo -
M6: Not capturing your story ideas
— Nathan Baugh (@nathanbaugh27) June 6, 2023
You have story-worthy moments every day but forget almost all of them. Simple fix:
• Create a two column spreadsheet (date and story)
• Before bed, take two minutes to write the best story from that day
You start seeing stories everywhere. -
M7: Ignoring structure
— Nathan Baugh (@nathanbaugh27) June 6, 2023
Structure your story Humans gravitate to structure. Luckily there are tons to wrap around your story:
• Hero’s Journey
• StoryBrand
• Three Act
My go-to is “Promise, Progress, Payoff.” pic.twitter.com/EL1FkoDl4l -
M8: Talking to everyone
— Nathan Baugh (@nathanbaugh27) June 6, 2023
Great stories aren’t told to everyone.
They’re told to the specific group of people who will resonate most with them.
The idea of “1000 true fans.” -
M9: Worrying about grammar
— Nathan Baugh (@nathanbaugh27) June 6, 2023
“The object of fiction isn’t grammatical correctness but to make the reader welcome and then tell a story.” — Stephen King
The emotion you elicit is more important than your grammar. -
M10: Not practicing delivery and rhythm
— Nathan Baugh (@nathanbaugh27) June 6, 2023
Whether writing or speaking, your presence makes a difference.
Spend that extra time perfecting your word choice, varying your cadence.
Make your words sing.
Gold: pic.twitter.com/MZGIb0Iweb -
Most storytelling advice sucks.
— Nathan Baugh (@nathanbaugh27) June 6, 2023
But the good stuff is worth its weight in gold.
I put together a list of the 25 best tips and resources to help you become a better storyteller.
You can grab that here → https://t.co/hr8eQKUMaD -
Tldr — 10 mistakes:
— Nathan Baugh (@nathanbaugh27) June 6, 2023
1. Providing context before the hook
2. Not learning from the best
3. Ignoring open loops
4. Going too fast
5. Focusing too little on the hook
6. Not capturing your story ideas
7. Ignoring structure
8. Talking to everyone
9. Worrying about grammar
10. Not… -
Appreciate you reading.
— Nathan Baugh (@nathanbaugh27) June 6, 2023
If you want more on storytelling, toss @nathanbaugh27 a follow.
And if you wanna go deeper on hooks, check this out: https://t.co/Ijelrzajl9